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Should I delete microsoft

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I agree MS Office is better, but that's because it's been developed for much longer and the shear amount of money being invested in it, however it's not anywhere as good value for money as OpenOffice, oh sorry kintaro I forgot you use warez.

I never really used MS Office too much, never needed to, never wanted to. Except in school of course... Fucking bastards.

I mess about in the OpenOffice beta occasionally though. I think it's pretty damn good and it runs very well (but of course it does crash now and again, but that's what betas do. It recovers from them brilliantly too). Taking the ECDL nexy year as part of our transition year course (we have to do it in schoool), so as soon as I can, I'll be telling whoever is over it that I'll not be doing my ECDL exam in MS Office, even IF it was just because Microsoft are evil bastards and I don't wanna support them and I wanna support free software etc etc etc.
They can either let me do it in OpenOffice, or I'll be skipping the ECDL. Easy as pi.

Anyhow, why do you two prefer MS Office to OpenOffice?


--- Quote from: piratePenguin --- Anyhow, why do you two prefer MS Office to OpenOffice?
--- End quote ---

Must be the lock-in.
That, or the black-box coding.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---
Anyhow, why do you two prefer MS Office to OpenOffice?
--- End quote ---

Yes, I can answer your question but it isn't as simple as saying "MS Office is better than OpenOffice" or vice versa. To be honest I don't prefer MS Office but it is better than  OpenOffice when you look purely at the balence of features:

[*]MS Office has a grammar checker and OO doesn't
[*]Better spell checker.
[*]MS Equation is lot better than OO Math type.
[*]Excel has statistical analyses functions are missing from calc.
[*]Speed and resource usage, with MS office the applications are all separate with OO they're all in soffice.bin so you have to have the whole thing loaded just to do one task like word processing this makes OO consume more memory and makes it slower for small tasks.
[*]Ease of use, for example to insert a page of landsape in an OO document you have to fuck around with creating a new style but in word you can just change the properties of the page in question.

I would've added lack of Word Art but I've checked out the OO 2.0 beta and the Fontwork feature is better than Wordart.

However OpenOffice is also better in other ways:
[*]PDF Export.
[*]Better drawing package.
[*]SGV export.
[*]Better file format support.

I see your point but lock-in simply isn't a factor unless you use the advanced features of MS Office, I transfer files between MS and Open Office with out any trouble.

I use MS Office at work and college and OpenOffice at home. OpenOffice offers better value for money as it has the features most people will need and it's free while MS Office cost a lot. OpenOffice is also improving at a faster rate than MS Office which hasn't improved that much since 1997.

I feel it should be brought to the original author's attention that the Justice Department pondered that question for quite some time, and the decision ultimately got thrown out on a technicality.


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