On Linux, you plug in a DVD burner, and -- nothing happens. You go online, download what you think are the right drivers, and -- more nothing. If you ever get it up and running, it'll only be after conducting the sort of research and extended investigation that brought down Enron.
Light blue touch paper, stand well back, let the debate begin...Pronouncement the First: As a user-level operating system, Linux is a cruel and tawdry lie. Bigfoot will fly to your house and personally deliver a $30,000 tax refund before there's a Linux that can challenge Windows or MacOS in terms of usability. If anyone tells you otherwise, your only rebuttal should be to administer that thing that Moe used to do to Larry -- you know, where he'd grab Larry's nose with one hand and smack it down with the other. Pronouncement the Second: None of that matters. Linux is still one of the best and most important OS's on the landscape. http://www.suntimes.com/output/worktech/cst-fin-andy23.htmlLaterSime
Maybe with Slackware yes,
Not even with Slackware. I could burn CDs without any setup.
I was talking about immediate hardware detection.
agreed, a very user unfriendly OS indeed mostly only smart people from europe can use it because lots of people use it there and you can like ask your neighbor for help on it well it's not the case here.Mr X
The trick to getting good tech support with Linux is to troll.If you ask, "how do I do X in linux?" you get "RTFM n00b!" in reply.If you ask, "Linux sucks because it can't do X like another OS can!" you get PhD's bending over backwards with solutions.trufax.
If you ask, "how do I do X in linux?" you get "RTFM n00b!" in reply.
i'd agree with WMD there, it's got so you're more likely to get "fuck off you moron" in answer to an obviously wrong post.