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Few questions about C++ syntax.

<< < (2/2)

This is where i'm using "const &void" (Version 7, untested with Version 6):

--- Quote ---
using namespace std;

int _cdecl main(int carg, char varg[])
    const &void f = (void)main;
    const &void a = (const &void)"This sure does make sense.";
    char* b = (char*)&a;
    return 0;

--- End quote ---

perl rules

--- Code: ---#!/usr/bin/perl

$count = "1";

until($count == "0") {
  print "Never ending loop\n";
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: anphanax ---This is where i'm using "const &void" (Version 7, untested with Version 6):
--- End quote ---

Now that's completely different from what you typed above, because this time you actually have a name there. However, it's still invalid. It appears MSVC parses it as const int &, merely ignoring the void specifier with a warning. It should damn be an error and not a warning, IMO.

perl = bloated.

Observe, in python:

--- Code: ---while True:
     print "Unending loop!"
--- End code ---

if it has a .py extension, you don't need the #!/usr/bin/python statement.


--- Quote from: skyman8081 ---if it has a .py extension, you don't need the #!/usr/bin/python statement.
--- End quote ---

Wrong. It won't find the interpreter at all if it doesn't have #! in the beginning... unless you're using windows and it's running python interpreter by file association, in which case perl doesn't need it either.


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