Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

P2P Dealt a blow

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...by the US Government.

--- Quote ---A landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to put a financial pinch on file-swapping companies, but a number of them may escape the grim reaper, say financial experts and attorneys.

That assessment came quickly Monday after the Supreme Court handed a major victory to record labels and movie studios, which had filed lawsuits against peer-to-peer file-swapping companies such as Grokster for allegedly allowing copyright infringements to occur on their networks.
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Now is it me, or are the Western governments becoming more and more brazen in their public displays of affection to corporations?

How and why should a technology creator be held accountable for the actions of it's users?
God damn, Corporations and 'the State' are realising that the Internet is running further from their reach than they would like and they are desperately trying to legislate it back. Just like the 2257  :mad:

PS. The reason I have placed it here is because these pieces of software are in the main the antithesis of DRM and it's ilk.


great, because I live in Canada and we're not as much as a corporate machine as the USA is.

I wonder if the Bay has received any new cease and desist orders to flame over this.

This isn't a blow to p2p at all. It's a blow to the scum sucking companies who market spyware laced p2p apps.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---This isn't a blow to p2p at all. It's a blow to the scum sucking companies who market spyware laced p2p apps.
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Not really, the wording is far too vague to say that.


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