All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
2003 in Review: Beginning of End for M$
Great job, xeen! \o
Loved this.
Note that I edited the list a bit. Forgot to mention a pretty important event: In January 2003 the Slammer worm knocked out 911 emergency telephone service in Bellevue.
You'll need to register at to be able to view that one, but here's where I posted it:
here, here, here, and here. I'd like to see some of you guys respond to the thread at Something that I've noticed recently is that most gamers would use linux exclusivly if it had all the games windows has.... too bad that won't happen for a while. What they did with america's army is DEFINETLY a step in the right direction though
[ December 28, 2003: Message edited by: GhostCow ]
^ At the first link, someone said this:
quote:You guys make it sound like Mac and Linux are perfect, but if they were in Window's place there would be as many loopholes, bugs, hackings, etc and you would hate them just as much. Why? Because there would be just as many people scrutinizing and hacking into it.
--- End quote ---
I can't stand people that say this. Windows has lousy programming, period. Other OSs are harder to hack. Web servers don't run Windows in a monopoly, and the Unix-type ones don't get hacked much.
List updated on final day of 2003 to include Israel's boycotting of MS.
[ December 31, 2003: Message edited by: xeen ]
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