Author Topic: dos aliases?  (Read 2037 times)


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dos aliases?
« Reply #15 on: 6 August 2002, 13:19 »
oh, duuuh, that wont work will it AHHH.

expected parameters to apply to batch contained commands, haven't used dos for some time, jeez vm.

here's a couple of solutions:

just use the dos commands, or dont use dos.
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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dos aliases?
« Reply #16 on: 17 August 2002, 18:19 »
Oh, my, how soon we forget our DOS.  MS-DOS 5 introduced DOSKEY which remains available in Win9x.  DOSKEY macros are just like aliases.  Install DOSKEY in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, and you'll probably want to set a macro buffer size.

The command I use is:
lh c:\windows\command\ /b:2048

If you don't find DOSKEY already in your Win9x, download it from MS.  Some of the DOS commands removed from Win9x are available that way, and I don't remember whether DOSKEY is one of them.



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dos aliases?
« Reply #17 on: 18 August 2002, 08:00 »
You are correct. DOSKEY will indeed provide alias functionality that you can use to change the "cd" command.  I just tested it and it does allow it:

doskey cd=dir $*

will cause a directory listing of \WINDOWS if you do a:


You obvioulsy could use this as your devious plant.  It is included with DOS 5+, Win9x, WinNT, and Win2K.

Good catch... I'm trying real hard to forget.  Looks like it is starting to work...
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