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Microsoft has made yet another (sarcastically) "smart move". They have decided that 95,98,NT,and xp pro will have the personal web server option, but have excluded only one operating system: xp home (what im on). I'm trying to do databasing and this makes it VERRRY dfficult to do (as in I can't). Neone have a way around this other than using FrontPage (i hate that word...)? ty 4 ne help.

you're asking for microsoft support, but you are against microsoft?

What does Frontpage have to do with a webserver?

There's Apache and MySQL for Windows.  Use them.


--- Quote from: microchip ---Microsoft has made yet another (sarcastically) "smart move". They have decided that 95,98,NT,and xp pro will have the personal web server option, but have excluded only one operating system: xp home (what im on). I'm trying to do databasing and this makes it VERRRY dfficult to do (as in I can't). Neone have a way around this other than using FrontPage (i hate that word...)? ty 4 ne help.
--- End quote ---

yeah, you have no idea what you are talking about do you...

what were when why? :beos:


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