All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Will you ever go back to M$ OS?

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For gaming I'll stay on windows until linux gets better support. Only because its a pain in the ass to make wine and games work most of the time. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with linux.

You can run Windows and Linux alongside each other. :rolleyes:


--- Quote from: dboi ---For gaming I'll stay on windows until linux gets better support. Only because its a pain in the ass to make wine and games work most of the time. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with linux.
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Have you tried Cedega yet?


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---I agree, I don't see any point in stupid "Micro$haft Winbloze $uCk$ DonKy Cock$" posts - it really doesn't help our cause. I really feel that this forum has gone down hill recently because these kinds of posts have become more common in the last month or so.
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That particular reference does appear a bit over the top, but I encourage the use of terms like Microshaft, M$, etc. It helps convey the idea that there are people who don't respect Microsoft, some of whom even hate Microsoft. If you're afraid of using those kinds of words out of fear that people will think you're childish, what does that make you? A pussy!

For crying out loud, if I worried about what stupid people think about me, I'd be as stupid as they are - and most Americans ARE stupid.

Frankly, some of you sound like a bunch of Democrats. "Don't call George Bush a Nazi, or people will think we're extremists!"

Earth to Base Camp: No one excels at name calling better than Republicans, and they've been kicking butt. Don't support Bush's invasion of Iraq? You're a traitor. Don't like corporate welfare? You're practicing "class warfare."

Bill Gates is an ASSHOLE, and I'd like to see the public associate the name Microsoft with Microsucks, Microshaft, etc. It's good strategy.

Regarding members who use Windows, I'm one of them. So what?

Blasting people who use Windows while blasting Microsoft sends out the wrong message; it says the millions of people who use Windodws can't criticize Microsoft! Well, guess what? I use oil, too, but that doesn't stop me from criticizing Exxon and Chevron.

Many people - myself included - are stuck in a "Microsoft rut." I opted for a PC years ago, long before I had a clue about Microsoft corruption or politics in general. I had no idea Windows would suck better than a Hoover vacuum cleaner.

After having invested thousands of dollars and hours in software and training, I can't just jump up and switch. I've moved all my websites to Linux servers, and much of my software is open source. But I don't have the time OR the money to quit cold turkey right now.

I hope to move farther away from Microsoft after I get my websites more squared away and have some money to play with. But that time may be far in the future.

And there's still another perspective to consider. Imagine if an Iraqi freedom fighter snatched an assault rifle from a dead U.S. soldier and used it to kill more U.S. soldiers. Would that make him a traitor to his cause, to his homeland? Of course not!

Not only is it OK to use the enemy's weapons against him, it can actually be cool.

So I say KUDOS to everyone who has ditched Microsoft for an alternative operating system. But I also say KUDOS to people who are blasting Microsoft even while stuck in a Microsoft rut. And never forget, there are far more of them.

I have used Linux for a long time now. Orginally it started with be being in similar shoes as some of the more opinionated members of this forum. I was young, I read on all the horrible things Microsoft had done and this moved me to not want to use there software out of hard blooded idealism. Before I knew about Microsoft's evil I was toying around with Linux. I had ran it for a number of years before I joined this forum.

Microsoft Software, just like Linux, just like everything else has problems. This was one of my major motives. On many of my machines I found Linux more reliable because it put the power in my hands to do things with the system. It was far better documented and the community was and still is very helpful. This provided a major benefit for me at such a young age, it was a great learning tool for what interested me, computers. Linux allowed me to explore and discover more than I could with Windows, and learn more about the workings of programs and other things.

However like a lot of people here I needed to get work done, so there have been times where I have switched back to Windows. For most of the time in my early days of using Linux I would dual boot. However this was never really to get work done, but to play games. I remember when I was fifteen years old I would fuck my PC up all the time, so it was not a reliable device for doing my homework with all my fucking around and inevitably fucking it up. I had a Mac Classic with Microsoft Works 1.0, which I would use to do all my schoolwork. It never crashed, and it never gave me any troubles at all.

Nowadays I use Linux for pretty much everything, I don't play games much and when I do they are on a console anyway. I like consoles because I am sick of fucking around with DirectX, cedega, OpenGL drivers, and all forms of other bullshit (that and the video card in my laptop sucks arse, in Windows and Linux). However I have a system with Windows 2003 server and Visual Studio .NET that I used to learn about C# on. I also use Windows under VMware for Windows Messenger webcam chatting with Sarah and recording stuff in Acid Pro 4.

On the whole, I would not switch back to Windows as my primary OS, because I don't need to. On top of that I have learned how to use Linux and it is a lot better for me because it is what I know. I am quite locked into Linux because I am so used to the user interface and the way it does things that I am almost completly lost these days with Windows systems. However I am still not as bad as some users out there.


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