All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Will you ever go back to M$ OS?

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IF you used BeOS, installation of GL 3d drivers requires moving two files into one folder, and not even a reboot is required. trufax.


--- Quote from: kintaro ---I have used Linux for a long time now. Orginally it started with be being in similar shoes as some of the more opinionated members of this forum. I was young, I read on all the horrible things Microsoft had done and this moved me to not want to use there software out of hard blooded idealism.
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How can you say "I was young" when you're 16 year old? :D
See, I was reading through some of the posts and was surprised reading some of the nonsense (sorry, but that

Thank you, that just summed up, what I have been trying to get through to the people here.

Being revolutionary is fine and dandy until you have to pay the bills.

I used to be like a lot of the other people here.  Then I grew up, and now this forum is my scratching post.


--- Quote ---Being revolutionary is fine and dandy until you have to pay the bills.
--- End quote ---

If that were always true, then how did any revolution ever take place?

And, since I have no time nor very good debate skills...

--- Quote from: wings ---Rant based on us being young and not having the independent streak beaten out of us yet by our elders
--- End quote ---

Yeah. :thumbup:

To wings.

People that use Windows are using it because of the same reason people are still using Qwerty keyboards: it's what comes standard.

Most folks are generally to lazy to try something new, or to relearn what they have been used to, to trade in for something much better.

Windows, in my opinion, doesn't work right out the box. You have to download tons of plug-ins, updates, install Office packets, and other stuff that comes right out of the box in one of the modern Linux distributions.

Yes, it's true that Linux doesn't run Photoshop natively, but you can't blame Linux for it.
It's the company of the application that needs to port. If it's easy to port, like in the case of OpenGL games like UT 2004 and DOOM III, a company is more willing to port their game to the Linux operating system.
Macromedia already has plans however to port some of their applications to Linux. They have already ported their Flash player.

I hope the visious circle in which Linux is now can be broken.

About .NET, C# and ASP where okay I guess, but I hated they way Visual Studio 2003 was between geekdom and Mac-like user friendlyness.
Microsoft, make up your mind already!

It's though out there in the IT world, and as an IT student, I have to learn Windows and Windows programs. At the same time, I know more than what I'm theached, because I also know and use Linux.
By using alternatives to Microsoft, you immediatly know more that what the Microsoft world is offering you.


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