All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Will you ever go back to M$ OS?

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I still prefer using windows for home use, its much faster. Linux is just fustratingly slow with a gui. I never have had spyware/virus and it only crashed because of nVidia Desktop wizard which I fixed by turning it off. If you know what you're doing there's plenty of free software to protect you. (AVG, ZoneAlarm/Sygate, HijackThis).

I'm getting Linux for intellectual exercise really, Win XP provides everything I need, is completely stable when I use it and is much nicer to use. It also has a more diverse range of free software available (esp games).

I can't stand MSVS (especially .NET) its too busy. I use MinGWStudio and if I have to use MS I edit code in Notepad2 and just compile it.

I wouldn't bash Windows if I didn't see a problem with it.

At the moment, it is running fine (Windows 2000 SP4).

But in the past, I have had major problems with it, it's nice to be able to switch into Linux to get the stability it provides, without being annoyed by frequent program crashes and freezing. :)

I have no problem with it at the moment, yes, it does what I want it to do perfectly, but so does Linux, without the annoyances that Windows gives me.

I am currently evaluating GNOME 2.6 on Slackware Linux 10.1, and so far, it is a LOT faster than both WindowMaker and Fluxbox. :)

As I have said previously, I am having no problem with Windows at the moment, but I know that eventually I will, and when that time comes, it is nice to have something on the side to use that is both secure & functional. ;)

Another point to make, Linux is very good for keeping your data secure, which is something I like to be able to do from the offset, instead of spending a long time "securing" Windows just to store my files there. :thumbdwn:


--- Quote from: wings ---
How can you say "I was young" when you're 16 year old? :D

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Earth to idiot: err... I am seventeen years old, I am 18 years old in a month.

--- Quote from: wings ---[/font][/color]  
See, I was reading through some of the posts and was surprised reading some of the nonsense (sorry, but that
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If you ever encounter this situation:
fresh install of a windows operating system. connect to the internet. with in 5 minutes you get virus's .

that's the problem.
ps- wings you're awesome. except some things.
Forums are for posting. Not writing books. IF you want to write books, go to wikibooks and complain there.

Am I insane or did the last line of your post there make no sense at all. This is a forum for discussing and debating and all those other things that come with having opinions, oh who knows maybe thats just my opinion.


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