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Will you ever go back to M$ OS?

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--- Quote from: worker201 ---Nice work, Jim!

Of course not everyone has Void Main to help them out. Or, more to the point, not everyone realises that there are great knowledgeable helpers like Void Main out there. Really, Linux is like having 5 or 6 personal advisors for every program on my computer! If you get into the community and report bugs and ask questions and watch mailing lists, you'll be Linuxized in no time at all. As I have said before, the learning curve of Linux is only a problem to the stupid and lazy.
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Personally I don't believe in stupid. I think people are just not interested or lazy. Nobody is born stupid, its a choice.

Interesting thought. I myself believe strongly in "choice", in most of life's matters. To this day, it has been mostly spiritual strength and disease resistance (immune system). As for actual capabilities - I'm not decided yet.

But then, if you said a person can choose whether or not they behave stupidly, whether or not they can think logically, WON they can think in abstract meanings, WONTC do what others can't - where is the boundary between all that and deciding who you are born? Where you are born? What (species, race, class) you are born into?


--- Quote ---Will you ever go back to M$ OS?
--- End quote ---


why would i?
why would anybody even ask this?


--- Quote from: kintaro ---Personally I don't believe in stupid. I think people are just not interested or lazy. Nobody is born stupid, its a choice.
--- End quote ---

1. Your theory is cute, but you have to admit that there is a difference between my brain and Einstein's brain.  Compared to him, we all look like idiots.

2. Stupid was perhaps the wrong word there.  But it seemed more concise than "unable to properly adapt to a new environment".  Grandpa and Grandma aren't going to be able to grasp Linux.  My dad can barely manage Windows.  Christ, there are professors here that can't even manage OSX - that's scary!  And one professor doesn't even have a computer.  He just completed a 650 page book - on a typewriter!  None of these people I mention are stupid - in fact, most of them are geniuses.  But they will forever be computer illiterate.  They just aren't mentally prepared for an electronic environment.  Us somewhat younger folks, we get exposed earlier, and take to it better.

This raises an interesting question - there are people alive right now who have never known a world without Windows.  Will they on the whole be more creative with computers, since they have always been around?  Or will they be more boring with computers, since they are so commonplace?  Only time will tell.

From what I experienced, people don't want to change anything.

Take Firefox for example. It's better and faster, and it's fully usable by IE users, in the most scariest detail.

Still, people fear changing anything on their computer.


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