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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #15 on: 25 July 2005, 05:40 »
I dont care. This thread sucks.


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #16 on: 25 July 2005, 10:38 »
Quote from: xyle_one
I dont care. This thread sucks.

Since your opinion matters here, why not un-suck it?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #17 on: 26 July 2005, 10:10 »
xyle_one, can it. this is my forum, posting a link is perfectly acceptable, so long as it is relavent. don't make me step in.
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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #18 on: 26 July 2005, 17:46 »
Ban me then, for getting pissed at a content-less thread posted with no effort that does absolutely nothing to further discussion about moving away from Microsoft. Oh how far this place has fallen. Fuck you.


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #19 on: 26 July 2005, 18:49 »
Yes this thread helps promote Linux - an alternative to Microsoft Windows.

The reason you've pissed a lot off people here is not because you criticized someone's post, it's the way you went about it, you just made a rude and sarcastic comment rather than giving constructive criticism. Hopefully you've already realized this as your criticism of this post is a much more helpful. :)
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #20 on: 26 July 2005, 22:06 »
I have, but seriously, come on. Is it so much to ask that as a contrinuting member to a community, that you at least put some effort into it? I didn't feel that I should have to be the one to make his thread worthwhile. Instead I chose to be a dick about it. I feel much better about it that way to be honest.


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #21 on: 3 August 2005, 03:28 »
Quote from: Siplus
I thought MS was no longer allowed to lock-in a vendor to only one OS. If this is right, then surely HP and other companies could benefit to selling Linux, as it would limit the support calls. Contrary to popular beleif, linux is easier to use because of the lack of usability problems (virii, spyware, corruption, ect). They would probably have fewer support calls

Granted, they probably don't pay a lot for support staff, given they are in India now, but still...


You are so TOTALLY wrong!

While Linux does not have viruses/spyware, the rest of the cake is full of bullshit, however.

Ever wonder why many people try Linux, and switch back to Windows? That is exactly because the limited feeling the OS gives ya:

1) all software must be installed from a centralized repository.
One can't just download .zip/.rar, unpack and run it, like in windows.

2) Lot's of things are modifiable, that's good, but when something WONT WORK you are screwed: all Linuxes are different in OS-design, and it is very difficult to even guess where the problem is ... unless the user is a self educated GNU/Linux expert like me.

3) Plug&Play is very different ... when user plugs in a device, it either works or doesn't work. No "install device" dialogs or whatever.
And every GNU/Linux distro has it's OWN scheme on how the actual plug&playu works, so there is no consistent feeling bout this ...

All in all GNU/Linux leaves most of those retarded end-users feeling kinda helpless, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THEY ARE INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS.
Enterprise customers, eg. the workers of some large corporation, have their Linux desktops configured by and admin or two. But individual cumstomers have no such support whatsoever, and calling to some fucking "Lai-nux Support" is as stupid calling to some Microfuck "pay to listen while we talk shit" support ;)

What I meant to say, is that while users won't call the help-line for some "how can I remove viruses/spyware" or "how do i reinstall my OS" type of questions, they will be SPAMMING the poor helpdesk guys with questions like: "HOW CAN I INSTALL SOFTWARE? WHAT THE FUCK IS .tar.gz??", "WHY WON'T MY USB-PRINTER/SCANNER WORK??", "WHY CAN'T I OPEN MY Microsoft FORMAT DATA??", "I WANT !"... blah blah

Linux won't be getting anywhere on the Desktop markets, becayse that's the piece of the cake where all the technology-handicapped retards expect to be served with graphical abstractions of computer-system, in a way that should not even act like the computer systems really do.
Sad but true, Mac OS X and Windows do far better in this sector.
People are stupid.
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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #22 on: 3 August 2005, 04:07 »
1) all software must be installed from a centralized repository.
One can't just download .zip/.rar, unpack and run it, like in windows.

Sure you can.  Not much software is packaged this way, but it's been done.  Mostly with proprietary software.

What I meant to say, is that while users won't call the help-line for some "how can I remove viruses/spyware" or "how do i reinstall my OS" type of questions, they will be SPAMMING the poor helpdesk guys with questions like: "HOW CAN I INSTALL SOFTWARE? WHAT THE FUCK IS .tar.gz??", "WHY WON'T MY USB-PRINTER/SCANNER WORK??", "WHY CAN'T I OPEN MY Microsoft FORMAT DATA??", "I WANT !"... blah blah

Get the users, and the software comes.  And then users can download and click their software just like they want.  And enough with the "printer doesn't work!" and "Office documents don't open!" stuff.  They work.  Simple as that.  And if they don't, that's Hardware Manufacturer X's fault.

Linux won't be getting anywhere on the Desktop markets, becayse that's the piece of the cake where all the technology-handicapped retards expect to be served with graphical abstractions of computer-system, in a way that should not even act like the computer systems really do.

Linux provides nearly all the GUI that it can, as the OS.  Windows doesn't provide the software installer, the software does.  On Linux, it will come from the same place.
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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #23 on: 3 August 2005, 17:53 »
Quote from: WMD
Sure you can.  Not much software is packaged this way, but it's been done.  Mostly with proprietary software.

Sure one CAN create self-installing packages, but the creation of such packages is MUCH HARDER for GNU/Linux than for other systems. The developers need to constantly add new ABI tests to their installers, in order to make the software compatible with the distros they support.

Ever heard of glibc breaking backwards compatibility? Yeah, that happens quite often (about every 2 years or so), and this makes binary packaging really hard: only way to be 100% sure the software can be run in the target distro, is to compile it from source, but this won't work for proprietary software.

This means, that the software developers MUST synchronize their update cycle with the distributions they wish to support! They must also build multiple binaries from their source, for every fucking system ABI layout their supported distros might have.

Like ... tail wags the dog. Sad isn't it?

Get the users, and the software comes.

Linux has enough users to attract developers to make software for Linux ... BUT, most developers become frustrated with the inconsistent ABI and lack of standards. Without a stable and backwards compatbile runtime environment, ISV's are forced to suck the cock of the people who happen to design the distros ...

And then users can download and click their software just like they want. And enough with the "printer doesn't work!" and "Office documents don't open!" stuff. They work. Simple as that. And if they don't, that's Hardware Manufacturer X's fault.

If a particular device won't work in the way user would want it to work, the fault is not only HW manufacturers: the target distro might have fucked up some plug&pray magic in the userland level, and nothing happens when user plugs in a device. Simple as that.

And because GNU/Linuxes have NO standards for plug&pray, then who can be blamed? The HW manufacturer, even if the driver would work? The distro developers, who make their own quick-n-dirty scripts to invoke some retard-proof plug&play magic?

In GNU/Linux no one can't be blamed for the things that are not standardized. And since nothing is standardized, the only thing we can bitch about is the reatarded system design most distros have these days.
And that ain't really no-ones fault, it's just the way how things work with OpenSource /,,/

It's better to do it all yourself than let some other guy decide how things should work. Since money can't be used to enforce standards, we are the kings of nothing ;)

Linux provides nearly all the GUI that it can, as the OS. Windows doesn't provide the software installer, the software does. On Linux, it will come from the same place.

In Linux there are NO standard installer ABI's. That is why I am trying to make this sandboxed binary runtime platform ... but nobody seems to care, since they are occupied on wanking on their favorite distros, and their Godly package managers (AAAAAH APT IS SO SEXY IM GONNA CUM LIKE A HORSE!)

There are package managers in Linux, but they are always integrated tightly with the distribution spesific system layout (and with the runtime convetions of the system), and so they are not suitable for universally installable packages ... heck, there is NO commonly accepted universal runtime standard, and that is sad.

LSB would be a very good (reference) runtime ABI for programs, but those fucking OSS-software developers won't bother releasing their software compiled with LSB conventions. And that's their fault ...

So this leaves end-users with two options:
1) To either stick with the distro-provided package management and package list, and never even try anything new
2) become a self-learned GNU/Linux "guru", who can compile and install
software from source-archives.

Oh yeah, and those external RPM/APT repositories WON'T COUNT. They are mostly monolithic collections, and so the dependencies and runtime conventions go with the repository. It is very common to fuck up one's package management by mixing different repositories with alike contents ...

Actually we have no Linux OS. We got multiple OS's, who just use the Linux kernel and GNU-userland. Everything else is decided by the distro developers, who create their own standards and solutions. So basically, we got no stable runtime, no stable ABI, no nothing.
People are stupid.
So: All Operating Systems suck because the people who make them are mostly retards.
-- My piece of Neo-Zen Wisdom


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #24 on: 3 August 2005, 19:03 »
We need more Linux distributions using Synaptic or Linspire CNR.

And programs distributing through installers like the ones that Firefox and UT 2004 uses.

It doesn't matter if a package management program is integrated in some geeky distro, as long as it works, it's easy to use and updated with the best of the best in Linux applications (and possibly more).


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #25 on: 3 August 2005, 19:21 »
Quote from: Refalm
We need more Linux distributions using Synaptic or Linspire CNR.


Synaptic is INTEGRATED into the host system layout. You can NOT make universal packages to such system.

Most programs are prefixed to /usr at compile time. Donkey cock, i tell ya.

And programs distributing through installers like the ones that Firefox and UT 2004 uses.

It doesn't matter if a package management program is integrated in some geeky distro, as long as it works, it's easy to use and updated with the best of the best in Linux applications (and possibly more).

Blahblah ... nothing new.

Binary installers are okay, if the development team can keep up with the ever-evolving GNU/Linux distros they support. They need to add different binary builds, ABI checks and so forth ... and constantly upgrade the package as GNU/Linux distributors won't make shit to maintain backwards compatibility. That's just the way it is, and you people CAN'T deny it!

Package management need not be integrated into the underlying system layout, but unfortunately they currently are.

All software in some distro X is prefixed under /usr, has distro spesific dependencies and so forth ... donkey poooop!

One CAN make packages WITHOUT dependencies (eg. supply the needed libraries with the software, and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH or some other mechanism to use them), but that won't help when glibc breaks backwards compatibility AGAIN ;)

One solution is to prefix all binaries into some standard fake-prefix (eg. /0 ), and then use a LD_PRELOAD diverting sandbox to redirect STDIO, DL, EXEC and other GNU/Linux spesific system calls to the REAL installation directory. Also we need AN ENTIRE SUBSYSTEM which provides some extra glue for backwards compatibility, like different versions of glibc and stdc++ (since the FSF guys are having fun time breaking backwards compatibility), and some other ESSENTIAL libraries.

I already got a sandbox for this purpose, but i guess you people ain't interested, since you are jerking off at some Synaptic or whatever other gods you might worship ...
People are stupid.
So: All Operating Systems suck because the people who make them are mostly retards.
-- My piece of Neo-Zen Wisdom


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #26 on: 3 August 2005, 20:26 »
Sure one CAN create self-installing packages, but the creation of such packages is MUCH HARDER for GNU/Linux than for other systems. The developers need to constantly add new ABI tests to their installers, in order to make the software compatible with the distros they support.

The VMware installer is all perl.  I can't read it, so I've attached it.  Tell me about all the ABI tests and hard stuff they had to do.

This means, that the software developers MUST synchronize their update cycle with the distributions they wish to support! They must also build multiple binaries from their source, for every fucking system ABI layout their supported distros might have.

RealPlayer ships with one binary.  In an RPM.  And it works in Slackware, which isn't a distro the commercial developers try to support that often.  Why is that?

Linux has enough users to attract developers to make software for Linux ... BUT, most developers become frustrated with the inconsistent ABI and lack of standards. Without a stable and backwards compatbile runtime environment, ISV's are forced to suck the cock of the people who happen to design the distros ...

How do you know they are complaining about the ABI, Mr. Armchair Commercial Software Developer?  Do they talk about it all the time?  Care to site anyone you know of?  How come Real, VMware, id, whoever makes ut2k4, etc. don't ever complain?

If a particular device won't work in the way user would want it to work, the fault is not only HW manufacturers: the target distro might have fucked up some plug&pray magic in the userland level, and nothing happens when user plugs in a device. Simple as that.

Plug&Pray doesn't get messed up like that, as is my experience.  Just an overgeneralization by you.  Hardaware manufacturers don't make drivers.  When they do, and these drivers don't work, then you can say this happens.

In Linux there are NO standard installer ABI's.

What would an "installer ABI" be?  Mistaken English?

[qoute]hat is why I am trying to make this sandboxed binary runtime platform ... but nobody seems to care,[/quote]
Are you telling anyone, besides the dozen or so regular members here?

since they are occupied on wanking on their favorite distros, and their Godly package managers (AAAAAH APT IS SO SEXY IM GONNA CUM LIKE A HORSE!)

And you wank about how retarded Linux design is.  We're even.

There are package managers in Linux, but they are always integrated tightly with the distribution spesific system layout (and with the runtime convetions of the system),

The layouts don't differ *that* much.  Package prefixing into /usr is really common.

and so they are not suitable for universally installable packages ... heck, there is NO commonly accepted universal runtime standard, and that is sad.

I've never experienced problems related to this.

LSB would be a very good (reference) runtime ABI for programs, but those fucking OSS-software developers won't bother releasing their software compiled with LSB conventions. And that's their fault ...

A lot of people say LSB sucks.  Saying "But it's a standard!" doesn't matter.

So this leaves end-users with two options:
1) To either stick with the distro-provided package management and package list, and never even try anything new
2) become a self-learned GNU/Linux "guru", who can compile and install
software from source-archives.

Installing from source requires three commands, yet everyone always talks about how haaaaaard it is, OMG! :rolleyes:  A couple project even made GUI source code installers, like for XFce 4.2, but nobody made a "plug in a tarball and go" one, afaik.  There was a thing called sourcer, but that was just automated at the command line, mainly for LFS users.

Oh yeah, and those external RPM/APT repositories WON'T COUNT. They are mostly monolithic collections, and so the dependencies and runtime conventions go with the repository.

They do give you more software, though. ;)

Actually we have no Linux OS. We got multiple OS's, who just use the Linux kernel and GNU-userland.

Yeah, how about that SuSE package I installed that time?  Yeah, for a different OS.  It works. ;)

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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #27 on: 10 August 2005, 05:36 »
I know WMD and others hashed a lot of this but this guy has some facts wrong.

Quote from: ksym
Sure one CAN create self-installing packages, but the creation of such packages is MUCH HARDER for GNU/Linux than for other systems. The developers need to constantly add new ABI tests to their installers, in order to make the software compatible with the distros they support.

Actually, no. On Windows, one must download a install maker (which usually costs money) and use it to create the installer. Sounds right? Yeah. However on Linux, it's the same thing, in fact the standardized installer maker for Linux (defacto anyway) is Loki's installer tool which I have seen more instances of in the last three days than ever before (downloading games and proprietary software, it abounds). The tool is here:

Quote from: ksym

Ever heard of glibc breaking backwards compatibility? Yeah, that happens quite often (about every 2 years or so), and this makes binary packaging really hard: only way to be 100% sure the software can be run in the target distro, is to compile it from source, but this won't work for proprietary software.

Yeah there were several glibc compat breaks in the past, and frankly I agree that glibc needs to take more initiative to keep API compatibility. And yes, this *can* make binary redistribution difficult. However, you must remember that the people behind Glibc and the people behind Linux and even the people behind KDE are all *different* *people*. And up until the last few years they weren't in the limelight at all, which gave them little incentive to make users every dream and wish come true. In fact there are still a lot of developers who remember such a time and deliberately try not to given to a user's every whim. Given time and new leadership, things begin to change, for instance only introducing binary incompatibility with new major versions so that old major versions can be kept around.

There is the second point of Mono and what it will mean with further adoption. Binaries produced from Mono (like any other CIL-targetting compiler) will work on Windows, will work on Linux, will work on Mac OS X, Hell, if you can get a runtime working on BeOS you could run it. Of course this cross-platformness works with all different forms of Linux as well. I do believe it will be the saving grace for this problem if Glibc and other projects continue introducing problems.

By the way you forgot Linux with it's refusal to introduce a stable ABI for drivers. Linus claims he will never change his mind, but frankly, who cares if he never changes his mind because the opportunity is open for someone else to fix it with some magical solution. Stranger things have happened to Linux in the past, like the introduction of the Composite and Damage extensions. Everyone involved in X11 development (including me, slightly) expected alpha channels on Linux to appear as a single extension and have the semantics of blending windows together be built into the server, but because of the vast difficulty of doing that, an even better solution was devised that made an infinite amount of effects possible and implementable by any capable dev who tries.

Quote from: ksym

Linux has enough users to attract developers to make software for Linux ... BUT, most developers become frustrated with the inconsistent ABI and lack of standards. Without a stable and backwards compatbile runtime environment, ISV's are forced to suck the cock of the people who happen to design the distros ...

Given your personal frustrations with working with inconsistent APIs and ABIs, I tell you that people are working on such matters, in fact, I am (

Quote from: ksym

If a particular device won't work in the way user would want it to work, the fault is not only HW manufacturers: the target distro might have fucked up some plug&pray magic in the userland level, and nothing happens when user plugs in a device. Simple as that.

Just as Windows may have fucked something up. Just the othe rday I tried to get my USB CD burner working (has worked fine in Windows forever) but Windows failed to notify me about me pluggin it in and in fact I had to go to the device manager (something few home users know about) and try to figure out why Windows wasnt using the correct driver for it. I went to the manufacturers site and got their drivers, but still no avail! Windows has just the same problems if not more. Just because you have had success on Windows and failure on Linux doesnt mean thats everybody's opinion. *Not* simple as that.

Quote from: ksym

And because GNU/Linuxes have NO standards for plug&pray, then who can be blamed? The HW manufacturer, even if the driver would work? The distro developers, who make their own quick-n-dirty scripts to invoke some retard-proof plug&play magic?

Linux doesnt have standards for plug and play because neither does Windows. All plug and play is, is a marketing term describing a piece of software which detects the hardware and uses the proper driver. So who can be blamed when a device doesn't work? Blame your distribution! Duh! The people who put together the combination of individual tools into an OS are the people who have failed to get your USB mouse working or whatever.

Quote from: ksym

In GNU/Linux no one can't be blamed for the things that are not standardized. And since nothing is standardized, the only thing we can bitch about is the reatarded system design most distros have these days.
And that ain't really no-ones fault, it's just the way how things work with OpenSource /,,/

Again, you are going on false facts here. You should hold your distro responsible for any problems using it. Thsi is why distros so commonly have someone working upstream with OSS projects, so that they can fix the problems users complain about. And please do not generalize "Open Source" to what you see on your Linux distribution. "Open Source" is 100% seperate from Linux. That's like jumping up and yelling at IBM (makers of OS/2 at one point remember) for Windows not working!! Remember Mac OS X is based on Darwin, which is open source.

Quote from: ksym

It's better to do it all yourself than let some other guy decide how things should work. Since money can't be used to enforce standards, we are the kings of nothing ;)

You're right, but you just made all your previous points moot. If you want to do it yourself, it won't be easy. And I dont get the kings of nothing thing.

Quote from: ksym

In Linux there are NO standard installer ABI's. That is why I am trying to make this sandboxed binary runtime platform ... but nobody seems to care, since they are occupied on wanking on their favorite distros, and their Godly package managers (AAAAAH APT IS SO SEXY IM GONNA CUM LIKE A HORSE!)

Since when does Windows have a "standard installer ABI" unless you mean the registry which maps installed applications to uninstallers. That in itself is merely in it's beginning stages on Linux. All it takes is the right toolkit for developers to use which would interact with the package manager which was available on the machine and do the right stuff. There are several solutions in library and program form which attempt this. By moving the process of dealing with multiple package managers into the toolkit, the application is free to do what it was designed for. And if Mono does in fact keep growing in usage a copy of the toolkit can be sent with the binary distribution of your software so that it really will work everywhere. Such libs are small of course, what with not including the other stuff that comes with packages such as documentation, source code, and the overhead of the package manager being used. Once Linux distros get used to this happening with proprietary software, they'll create tools which remove unneeded libraries and files from the individual install directories (remember that toolkit?).

Quote from: ksym

There are package managers in Linux, but they are always integrated tightly with the distribution spesific system layout (and with the runtime convetions of the system), and so they are not suitable for universally installable packages ... heck, there is NO commonly accepted universal runtime standard, and that is sad.

The package manager and filesystem layout are perhaps the only large inhibitors of such packages: the ABI of most projects *does* stay pretty stable, and this is just reiterating my point about using Mono once again (there is no such thing as ABIs, only APIs--you can add members anywhere and dependent code will still use the correct struct/class layout).

Funny you should mention filesystem layout when the toolkit I've been so fondly speaking of has just this feature. The ability to define the layout of the filesystem from a system global layout file in a place that doesn't require you to bend over to a certain layout in order to support it. Right now (its still pre-release) it reads /.System/Layout.xml. On the system it was built for (my Komodo distribution) it maps stuff to /System, /System/Software, /Software, /System/Temp etc but on a traditional Linux system a Layout.xml could specify to use paths like /usr/bin/ and /etc. Again, the app doesn't really care.

Quote from: ksym

LSB would be a very good (reference) runtime ABI for programs, but those fucking OSS-software developers won't bother releasing their software compiled with LSB conventions. And that's their fault ...

You act as though we have a big OSS-dev only forum where we all communicate and coordinate. The open source community is not a single body, so it takes time for things like that to be adopted. You wait half a year and I'm sure there will be a lot more support. Also, 90% of the code which comprises GNU/Linux distributions is built with autotools, which generates the "configure" files that choose how the software should be compiled. If autotools put some work into building with LSB conventions by default, the code doesnt even have to change. Rarely do C/C++ based projects write their own makefiles.

Quote from: ksym

So this leaves end-users with two options:
1) To either stick with the distro-provided package management and package list, and never even try anything new
2) become a self-learned GNU/Linux "guru", who can compile and install
software from source-archives.

Or, try new distributions which incorporate these new technologies which better Linux and make it easier to do such things. In fact, yeah you could stick with your big distros which are established because they are all becoming LSB compliant anyway. SuSE *has been* LSB compliant for quite awhile, and googling "LSB linux distribution" gets many hits about distributions aiming for LSB, consortiums declaring LSB dedication, etc.


Oh yeah, and those external RPM/APT repositories WON'T COUNT. They are mostly monolithic collections, and so the dependencies and runtime conventions go with the repository. It is very common to fuck up one's package management by mixing different repositories with alike contents ...

Yes you are right, but I know for a fact that the "runtime conventions" are not as different as you think. My distro can install software from RPMs, Slackware PKGs, and DEBs, without many problems. Of course, it's not perfect: Fedora's RPMs don't work with the RPM unpacker we have but all that can be improved as development continues.


Actually we have no Linux OS. We got multiple OS's, who just use the Linux kernel and GNU-userland. Everything else is decided by the distro developers, who create their own standards and solutions. So basically, we got no stable runtime, no stable ABI, no nothing.


Yes but like I asserted earlier, these "multiple Linuces" are not that different from each other, and even though a lot of Linux software is still pretty stupid in relation to where they install stuff, it's all a matter of the efforts for cross-Linux compatibility which *are* active and which *are* producing things. Even smaller developers such as myself think about these problems and apply more force to fixing them. You put a ton of OSS devs in front of one of you people and we soak it all in. We think deeper about where the merit is and try to fix it. The beauty is, any capable free Linux developer who came across these posts would only be emplored to find solutions.

That's my conclusion. Heartbreaking baby.
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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #28 on: 10 August 2005, 06:22 »

What widget set is that?  It's the foul-ass one that xine uses - I find it repulsive.


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Re: HP Propelling Linux Into Truly 'Big' Time
« Reply #29 on: 10 August 2005, 07:58 »
Dunno, but Lokis installer/updater use GTK (i think thats a gay custom theme)
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.