All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows NT 4
M$ did sey they started practically again with xp, unless im wrong. but the ammount of stuff in xp that was coded for 2000 is stupid. its a copy and paste thing. when copied and pasted, it doesnt change at all, somthing M$ forgot. try that stuff i sed in that post. its true.
Windows XP's big leap was jumping from 9x to NT on the desktop, its that simple.
Windows XP used Windows 2000 code because it was more reliable. And longhorn uses code from XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, etc. Just like Linux uses code from Linux.
Windows XP is a bit broken though...
Windows 2000 is very stable for me :)
Lots of people say that.
XP has better proformance with 3D games however.
Personally of all the Windows OS, I find Windows 2003 the most stable, useable, and secure.
Hmm, 3D game performance is fine for me in Win2k. ;)
I'd agree, Windows 2003 is the most stable, but not that many games are supported.
I stick with Windows 2000 because it is stable for me, and it's a lot faster than XP. :)
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