All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows NT 4
theres one good part to xp, the compatability mode. i have a few game demos that wont run under nt, so the compat helps a lot.
--- Quote from: noob ---theres one good part to xp, the compatability mode. i have a few game demos that wont run under nt, so the compat helps a lot.
--- End quote ---
I don't understand, that used to be in Service Pack 4 on Windows 2000, but looks like they took it out, bastards. :thumbdwn:
Wow. Very good to know. So what should I recommend to those of my family members who stupidly insist on MS crap? Is win2k the best option or is it win2003?
win2003, because it's faster and more stable than Windows XP and unlike win2k it's still supported.
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