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Why Microsoft continues to win...

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...only because of the stupidity of the clueless population. Take this for example:

On's review of the PDC 2003, someone posted this comment to the editor:

quote:Paul, sorry man, but nobody cares sqaut about Longhorn. By the time that bloated, ugly, slow POS comes around, Macs will be years ahead (as they already are), and Linux will be taking over the desktop. Maybe you should start learning some Linux instead of listening to idiots brag about their new products that are only eye-candy with features stolen from other OSes.
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Obviously a smart person. When the editor posted the comment he replied with this:

quote: Editor's note: Sorry, but the 7000 people rushing the stage to see it two years early suggests otherwise. --Paul
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And the one that tops it off and gets the stupidity award in my opinion is this comment posted by someone else on the same page:

quote:i would continue to use xp for next 3 years if only for clear type.
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I see. So people prefer to things that look "cool", but work like shit.

Fucking idiots.

This is the way of the american. Its our culture. Its kinda disgusting.

Cleartype?  That's simply a trademarked name for subpixel hinting, something I use every day in linux.  What a mongoloid.


quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Cleartype?  That's simply a trademarked name for subpixel hinting, something I use every day in linux.  What a mongoloid.
--- End quote ---

LOL! Excellent way of stating the facts. Why don't you submit that word for word to
The comments section is in the bottom. Let the mongoloid know of his ignorance.

The way I see it is the people who use windows will stay with what they have.  The ones that get longwhore will quickly switch once they realize its gonna cost more than owning a car!

Linux and OSX is deffinatly on their way to dismantling M$

This is just the finnal nail in the coffin.


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