Operating Systems > macOS
apple needs to opensource more
What would be the disadvantages to Apple (or Microsoft, or Adobe, or nearly any other software company) if they feed up all their software? I don't see how they could lose that much in sales...
And ofcourse we already know the advantages of free software.
If a corperation already has a large userbase and a strong following of loyal customers, they will not lose those customers buy open sourcing. they may even add some.
The problems is that if they open source everything, non-[insert corp name here] users might pay less for another company offering the exact software.
Large corperations don't want to flatline. that's not good business. They want to increase their profits, reach more people. If there is a competitor that has 100% the same software, then they will either lose % margin on their sales to compete, or lose potential first-timer users.
I suppose this is mostly only for corperations with strong backing/loyal userbase that are well established. To avoid any protests to my thoughts, I know OSS-oriented businesses thrive because they share their code.
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