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Running Windows for 3 weeks no viruses and no anti-virus!
--- Quote from: toadlife ---My ISP filters ports 135,139,445,and 1025 so I don't get hits from owned Windows boxes, but I'm sure they're out there.
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My ISP, a huge strongly firewalled university network, gets no outside hits unless specifically authorized. But inside, anything goes. I get hits on 445 every couple minutes. Activity on the other ports has not been as strong. And all the hits are from different IP addresses - meaning that there is a sick amount of computers on campus that have viruses. Antivirus is required to protect you from the stupid, as well as the crafty. And let's face it, most Windows users are retarded.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I work at a school. Back when msblaster was out, I set up a sniffer to listen for port 445 knocks and then blocked their mac addresses in our core routers. Tons of students were infected and blasting the network with packets. We posted a sign in the doorms telling them to clean up their computers and then come by the IT office to have their access restored.
--- Quote from: toadlife ---I wouldn't say that.
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Damn that Dutch Windows 2000 :rolleyes:
So Power User = Beperkte mogelijkheden
In which case, you're right.
"Beperkte mogelijkheden" == "Restricted possibilities"
hehe :D
--- Quote from: toadlife ---"Beperkte mogelijkheden" == "Restricted possibilities"
hehe :D
--- End quote ---
Okay, now I'm really confused, even more confused than learning Active Directory (which gave me headaches from the chaos and the mess).
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