All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Running Windows for 3 weeks no viruses and no anti-virus!

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--- Quote from: skyman8081 ---Windows is not as bad as what the people here want it to be.
--- End quote ---

then you should use it.

I do.


My WinXP Sp2 never has spyware/viruses but our family Win2000 SP4 is constantly getting suspicious files in the System32 folder. Its stopped now that I've made them use Firefox instead of IE. Funny that...

But you only get these programs if
A. you are stupid enough to download them (Kazaa), or
B. use unsafe programs (IE)

I doubt anyone in these forums fall under these catagories

If you're forced to use IE (like at work or for pages that won't show in Firefox) you can make it nearly as secure as Firefox by disabling ActiveX scripting and controls.

If pages won't show in Firefox, they are wrong.  Think about browsers as spell-checkers.  Firefox goes through and checks the spelling of every word, and then either passes the document or fails the document.  IE goes through and checks every word, and then if some are misspelled, it says "eh, no big deal" and passes the document.  That's a pretty lame metaphor, but any code that IE will interpret and Firefox will not is madeup bullshit code, and the developers should be punished.


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