Operating Systems > macOS


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--- Quote from: Put_lead_in_gates_head ---i had to keep my fingers in a demented arch type thing, The whole mouse fit inside my palm.
--- End quote ---

You're not supposed to hold the mouse with your palm. You're supposed to move it with the tips of your fingers.

Lead Head:
I know i didnt like using with my fingers either


--- Quote from: Laukev7 ---You're not supposed to hold the mouse with your palm. You're supposed to move it with the tips of your fingers.
--- End quote ---

I dislike those mice. I like to move my mouse with my hand.

Logitech rules.


--- Quote from: WMD ---They haven't sold those for years....
--- End quote ---

i still remember the discomfort.


--- Quote from: Laukev7 ---You're not supposed to hold the mouse with your palm. You're supposed to move it with the tips of your fingers.
--- End quote ---

try doing that with big mitts and then you'll see my frustration.


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