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Author Topic: A bit of anti-MS Heritage: Microsoft Sucks  (Read 2197 times)


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A bit of anti-MS Heritage: Microsoft Sucks
« on: 26 September 2010, 06:16 »
As you may know, my long lost partner is MicrosoftSucks.org. I came to Stop Microsoft in November of 2009, seeking another place to share my thoughts. I had trouble adapting to said place back then, and I still do but I'm not troubled often anymore.

It all started here: http://microsoftsucks.org/index.php?id=14490

It was August 2009. I was excited. I found a place where I could pick on and share my thoughts about Microsoft. No, it wasn't popular back then, but hey, it's like finding shelter, right?

I constantly engaged in discussions. Then I met online this user dubbed "abominator_08." Little did I know that we made an effective partnership that extended to two other users in the future.

Around December that year, I met two other users, "krakatoa" (who didn't sign up) and "bored!" (who did sign up). All four of us made an effective partnership that allowed us to debunk many proponents.

Then, one night, I posted 250+ messages of spam on the forum's older side to fill up some sort of meter. However, I was promoted as moderator, which I didn't expect to happen. I accepted it, and I was the first moderator in the site's history. Many users greeted me, but some didn't. Thankfully, I had the delete function to get rid of their posts. I started thinking about whether I made a mistake visiting the forums.

I wanted a site redesign. That never happened because the user running the site needed a simple forum to handle anything. Then, I started exploring the older side and discovered that most of them belonged to proponents. I deleted those. Then, I realized that my whole time can't be spent on the site, so I announced I was leaving. However, I didn't leave, because I knew how I much of my resources I dedicated to the forum.

I started structuring the forum with stickies you will see at the beginning of the forum. Said stickies have over 9440 views combined. My most popular sticky is the list of alternatives I made while I was working on the redesign for the site, randomly picked to weirdness.

February in 2010 was a great time for the forum. We were debunking proponents like crazy and helping those affected by Microsoft who visited the forum.

However, starting in March, we started to decline. The partnership collapsed and only I was the one wandering in the forums. They never said anything to the forum ever again. I was lonely, and the flourishing forum I started had collapsed. However, I was actively participating in the Stop Microsoft Forum's discussions.

In the beginning of April, I left both forums without an announcement. I was enjoying playing my video games with cousins, et cetera.

Now, in August 2010, I came back out of curiosity. I left a once flourishing forum and a spin off of a successful anti-Microsoft website.

I don't engage in discussions at my long lost partner that often as I used to. Still, I became familiar with the anti-Microsoft movement thanks to MicrosoftSucks.org.

You are welcome to join MicrosoftSucks.org at anytime. But did you like my story about how I ended up there and eventually here? Please comment if you have questions or point out flaws in the story.

-Lieutenant reactosguy (I called myself that in the old days, but now I dub myself as Moderator reactosguy at MicrosoftSucks.org and just call myself by my pseudonym anywhere else on the 'Net)


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Re: A bit of anti-MS Heritage: Microsoft Sucks
« Reply #1 on: 26 September 2010, 11:53 »
It looks a bit old fashioned, like and old BBS from the mid 90s.

I disagree with your decision to delete proponents (as you call them) and posts protesting against you being a moderator - a good moderator should be impartial as possible.

The name reminds me of a site created by MrX, a BeOS fanatic who used to troll here awhile ago.
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: A bit of anti-MS Heritage: Microsoft Sucks
« Reply #2 on: 26 September 2010, 16:05 »
It looks a bit old fashioned, like and old BBS from the mid 90s.

I agree. The redesign was never done because I'm sure the site owner didn't bother to adopt something else, and he felt that using the software that's used today is simplistic.

I disagree with your decision to delete proponents (as you call them) and posts protesting against you being a moderator - a good moderator should be impartial as possible.

I also agree on that, but back then I thought it would be a great idea to get rid of them. I found they accounted for the most spam I deleted back in December 2009.

What I do remember was this irritating proponent. He signed up and started dumping all over the forum. I replied by posting a big middle finger pic off of Google Images and an explanation. He replied with another big explanation only to be deleted because said user was extremely annoying. I eventually banned him, empty handed with no posts anymore.

Before that, there was a user named "Firestarter" who said that keeping the fire running will make the site crash or make MS Windows rule. I deleted the post when I was a moderator. Said user started trolling by posting porn. I deleted those. His friend "KeViN" started spamming the forums with "MS RULES!!!" posts. He then ended up on Linux's side, simply because he was curious to know the inner parts of Linux distros.

I made a post that said that Windows Updates ruined my PC gaming experience. Some Linux fan started angry at me, and said that I should switch to Linux, and I am a hypocrite. I replied by saying my mom says my computer is the best in the world and she thinks I would hacked Windows XP if she saw the GNOME GUI. Said Linux fan told me that I should convince her. The problem is, nothing WILL convince her. I then deleted the thread by said fanatic. I think he's making a valid point, though, but I realize it right now.

So you see, all of them were annoying. Probably not a great way of explaining why I did this. But hey, I have my reasons, right?