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CD-Rs or CD-RWs
Who uses CDs these days when there are DVDs and USB sticks?
I do because I find my CD burner is more reliable.
I use RW-CDs for Linux (I've never tried a bootable USB stick and don't even know if my BIOS supports it) and don't use CD-Rs much.
I can see the advantage of both technologies. I don't know how compatible DVD-RWs are with modern DVD players?
--- Quote from: Lead Head on 4 August 2005, 16:53 ---Wich do you prefer, CD-Rs or CD-RWs?
--- End quote ---
Neither. I'd go with DVDs and flash memory USBs. The former has a large capacity, while the latter is easy to get in your pocket.
I'd also go with Blu-ray Discs, but they aren't compatible with my old hardware.
The question was asked in 2005, and I said I never used a cd-rw and that still applies (if it happens that I did, it wasn't my disk and I never re-wrote anything).
DVDs and usb keys and memory sticks and online data are becoming that we often don't need to have a cd/dvd drive. Many notebooks I'm interested in don't even have cd/dvd drives. That technology will stick around, for sure reasons, but many many people haven't used their mechanical drives in years, on computers for now.
I use CD-RWs with my CD-Js fairly often. If I'm using a set of discs for just one set there's no sense in wasting CD-Rs.
--- Quote from: Calum on 7 August 2005, 01:51 ---they use different technologies, up to a point. to me, cdrs are more (seemingly) stable and sensible, also i can get them to work. plus, why would you want to wipe a CD once you had used it? you're either doing a backup (which you won't want to wipe)
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CD-Rs are not stable, if they're not correctly stored, the data can become corrupt over time.
For long term storage, you should always use a hard drive, a flash drive is also good but there are concerns about the data not lasting for ever.
I frequently erase backups because the data becomes out of date and replaced by modifications.
For backup, I don't see how capacity of a DVD is a problem, unless you make your own films or have taken thousands of photos. All of the large files I have are pretty dispensable and are only backed up because downloading them again would be a pain. Come to think of it, the amount of irreplaceable data I have (i.e. created by me or someone else) is probably under 1GB.
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