Author Topic: Proxy UI toolkit  (Read 954 times)


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Proxy UI toolkit
« on: 22 August 2005, 02:16 »
Worker201 was asking about a proxy toolkit so I decided to entertain this idea with a thread.

Quote from: worker201

Well, that would be nothing more than a file that matches widgets from the toolkits up with generic names. Using such a proxy kit could allow someone to transfer an old program into some other widget set. ie, using the proxy to change qt to generic, and then use the proxy in the other direction to change generic to gtk. I think it could work, if the proxy was smart enough.

Well it'd make more sense if one constructed a general file format for defining programming interfaces from any language, *then* make a way to map pieces of the API to generic calls as an extension.

It's a multipronged project for sure but it would require that one set out to create a set of rudimentary definitions for several toolkits to decide how the format will work, then use these polished definitions to create a generic toolkit definition which contains the common functionality from all the others. Then design the extension to this API prototyping system to map it to a central API (given in the generic toolkit interface). Then there's a bunch of tools to create around this format and it's parser such as a program to generate a fake version of the toolkit which maps the common functionality to the generic toolkit interface and the uncommon functionality back to the real toolkit.

With enough work such a thing could be created which could scan through C/C++/C# projects and create these definitions on it's own. Which would allow it to create binary compatibility proxy libraries.
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