All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

M$ to micro-manage your computer (part II - getting deep)

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Hmmm damn, MS is a monster.

quote:not something to strive for though in the larger scheme of things...
--- End quote ---

I suppose. There's two types of script kiddies. Those who are stupid dummies who don't know shit, and those who are only script kiddies because they haven't learn enough yet to become a REAL hacker. Although they are still very interested in WHY they can do all this user friendly h4x0ring stuff.  

What would you call a hacker who can't program anything, but knows why and how the net, the phonelines, windows, his hacker programs work? A respectable Script kiddy?  ;)

as for real hacking i have three wonderful friends,

nmap  -sS -O instert ip here
nmblookup -A instert ip here
and the wonderful smbclient, ill leave that to you to figure out.


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