Author Topic: WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common  (Read 1783 times)


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Besides my headache.

this should make you laugh.
 Had my laptop in the shop for a week...

I was scared ...

I cant make pagemaker 6.52 open on my "AMD Atholon 4 Pavilion XH535 with windows xp"
-the snake said that sold it to me said...

 You know I thought  :eek:  
Why not just put windows 2000 on it.
NO Video Driver works correctly...
I tried and the SNAKE charmers at the local computer repair place tried for 2 days...

The support, for AMD, ADOBE, WINXP and the internet guru genie doesnt know the answer..
 Might I inquire... if anyone here might have this same or simliar problem?

 Dont go suggesting all this bogus stuff about fdisk been there, done it.
 Im just looking for an answer... or someone that needs a laptop



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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #1 on: 26 April 2002, 03:48 »
hmmm, i had a very similar problem with a laptop that came with winME.
i installed win98 on it and half the stuff wouldn't work, and the rest needed a lot of tinkering to get the drivers going properly. I installed win2000 on it, and i couldn't even open the control panels to install a driver to make the screen display more than 16 colours. installed winME again, worked almost too easily. Only 10 minutes of driver hopping and all works as well as it can with WinME.

Seriously, for odd hardware support, maybe you should try out one of the spanking new linux distributions, specifically red hat 7.2 or possibly mqndrake 8.2
they develop faster than windows, and may well support your laptop components. On the other hand, Linux is free, so try it, and if it doesn't work for you, you are no worse off...
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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #2 on: 26 April 2002, 04:12 »
Thank You, for your fast response,

I actually had thought about Linux, but I have only used linux for windows.. I liked it.
But at the time, didnt have time to learn as much as I felt I needed too.. (I was a virus farm then LOL)
I think the problem with this one, is the video display just a guess really, but the only one available is for WINXP .... tried win 2000 no go, cant do 98 or 95.. mmmm maybe I will try win 3.1 or better yet, a MACINTOSH..  i tried to brainwash it, on the win marque, it NOW reads, LOOK INTO MY MONTIOR... BREATH DEEP, BUY ME MORE SOFTWARE, SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY)

Where it USED TO BE I HAD CONTROL.. DOS, the "matrix of microsoft" has me in its expensive clutches

Totaly feedup!    Trying linux...

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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #3 on: 26 April 2002, 04:30 »
Originally posted by pentraxx:
Thank You, for your fast response,

I actually had thought about Linux, but I have only used linux for windows.. I liked it.
But at the time, didnt have time to learn as much as I felt I needed too.. (I was a virus farm then LOL)
I think the problem with this one, is the video display just a guess really, but the only one available is for WINXP .... tried win 2000 no go, cant do 98 or 95.. mmmm maybe I will try win 3.1 or better yet, a MACINTOSH..  i tried to brainwash it, on the win marque, it NOW reads, LOOK INTO MY MONTIOR... BREATH DEEP, BUY ME MORE SOFTWARE, SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY)

Where it USED TO BE I HAD CONTROL.. DOS, the "matrix of microsoft" has me in its expensive clutches

Totaly feedup!    Trying linux...

yay!, if this works for you, we will have another one crossed over  
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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #4 on: 27 April 2002, 01:36 »
and what Atlon has to do with this?



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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #5 on: 28 April 2002, 05:03 »
you need to see what display driver it is... most athlon 4 laptps have S3's ... and i have yet to see an athlon based laptop vieo that cannot run under 98 or 2000... im prety sure the driver is out thr somewhere...

If you want to try Linux, only linux distro to get right now is SuSE Linux 8.0 .. its great... by far beats current offerings from mandrake and redhat
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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #6 on: 28 April 2002, 08:45 »
Except for not being able to download an x86 ISO image.
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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #7 on: 28 April 2002, 21:25 »
thats the thing i dont like about this community as much.... DONT BE SO CHEAP!

if someone makes something that i like, ill support them.  heck when i started using linux i borrowed a copy of redhat.... then went out and bought it... yes i paid for it... even though i already had it.

why?  because i really beleive in supporting something you like, instead of just telling everyone else to support it.
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Customer: "I want to lodge a complaint."
Tech Support: "What seems to be the problem?"
Customer: "I specifically asked you not to program my Internet with pornography. I want it removed immediately."


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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #8 on: 28 April 2002, 23:19 »
I bought RedHat as well, but I was able to "try before I buy".  And besides, I don't use the vendor specific apps anyway, except of course to install the OS. Once installed, RedHat/SuSe/Mandrake has nothing that I use or would use. And I would be paying SuSe for things that they didn't develop.  How does that support the community?  I would much rather pay the actual programmers and not the packagers.. I would like to pay the Apache foundation, the PHP developers, the PostgreSQL/MySQL developers, the KDE developers etc. If I buy SuSe those developers don't get a penny of it.  SuSe didn't write a damn thing that I would use in my daily activities.

When you buy RedHat, you are not buying the software, you are buying the support. I frankly don't need the support. Maybe you do. If you do, buy the software. Most people do. I am and have for the last 10 years of using Linux have been into it because I can do everything for nothing. I was quite frankly concerned the day RedHat IPOed. I don't at this time think it was a bad thing but I am not into the commercialization of the OS.  I don't mind commercialization of the apps though. Commercialization is one of the biggest things I hate about M$.

[ April 28, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #9 on: 29 April 2002, 01:55 »
I think that Void Main has a point here but I don't believe that Linux as an OS is threatened in any way by the form of commercialization M$ use for the promotion of their products (yak!).

Furthermore, it's true that if you buy or order a Linux distro you're mainly doing it for the support each vendor offers you along with your purchase. You're also supporting the Linux community though, one way or the other! VoidMain, I'd also download an ISO image if it weren't for my crappy 56k Ltwinmodem

  :mad:    :mad:


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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #10 on: 1 May 2002, 04:20 »
anyone see the new linux commercial?

dude, you're gettign a penguin!

no, of course you did not see it.  it does not exist.  note the .ORG tag on most linux sites
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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #11 on: 12 May 2002, 05:29 »
Originally posted by sporkme:
 note the .ORG tag on most linux sites

what does the .org tag on the sites have to do with n e thing?


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WHAT DO AMD Athlon 4, XP and Pagemaker 6.52 have in common
« Reply #12 on: 12 May 2002, 06:45 »
Originally posted by Alex:

what does the .org tag on the sites have to do with n e thing?

Clueless simply clueless   :D  

.org = organization, as in non-profit organization.

.com = commercial, as in, for profit

[ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]