Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Vista means you need new monitors!

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Watching fuzzy DVDs that sounds fun


--- Quote from: worker201 ---I almost think this ought to go in the DMCA forum, because that's all this is - a content protection system.  Designed to protect the masses from watching anything not stamped with Microsoft's approval.
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Ok, done.

Gee, I wonder if Windows-Longhorn-Vista-VirusMagnet2010 will require suckers - er, customers - to buy a new house, sold by Paul Allen Real Estate.

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--- Quote from: DavidB ---Gee, I wonder if Windows-Longhorn-Vista-VirusMagnet2010 will require suckers - er, customers - to buy a new house, sold by Paul Allen Real Estate.
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I remember i saw something about a virus for it here


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