Author Topic: Microshaft + Wal-Fart  (Read 3092 times)


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #15 on: 5 August 2005, 23:24 »
Quote from: Laukev7
Should we change the title of this forum then? Microsuck is no less childish than Microshaft or Wal-Fart (which I incidentally found quite funny).

EDIT: Damn, I was beaten to it.

Just think of the fun we could have if Microsoft and Wal-Mart merged! What would their new name be - Micro-Mart, Wal-Soft, Soft-Head, LonghornFart, The Bill and Melinda Gates Fart in the Taxpayers' Faces Foundation, Haliburton, Disneyland Version 3.0, M$W$, or WHAT? And what we call the new campus - Screw U?
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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #16 on: 5 August 2005, 23:27 »
I think it's alright to use word play in thread titles (newspapers often use it in their headlines) just as long as it's not overused - then it just becomes childish.
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #17 on: 5 August 2005, 23:42 »
The title of this forum is MicroSUCK, and you can't handle MicroSHAFT? Or was it my reference to "Wal-Fart" that pushed you over the edge.

The name of this site is terrible and I hope for the day when it is changed back to fuckmicrosoft.
Nothing pushed me over the edge. I am just annoyed by you. I have been reading your posts and you think far too highly of yourself, you just aren't that important.

Not getting banned doesn't mean a thing. I've been banned from several websites which I later discovered were corrupt or simply full of shit (e.g. Smirking Chimp, Democratic Underground, TeachersNet). And what about MY constributions? Have you ever run for public office? Do you live in Seattle, which is just about ground zero for Microsoft corruption?

Oh noes watch he ran for public office and lost!
You are a new member with an egenda to push. You haven't contributed shit except some terrible site and some conspiracy nutjob bullshit.

You mean I should wait a couple weeks before "talking shit to establishmed members"?

You should learn some fucking respect.

Obviously, you don't.


Yeah, right - just like Bill Gates is a model of "success."

What is your definition of success? According to a lot of peoples, he is quite the model of success.

No argument there. If I ran an organized crime syndicate, I'd look to another organized crime syndicate as a source of personnel, too.

Laffo. Organized crime? What's the crime? They supply a product and tell us we need it so we buy it. The crime here is lack of education, which I can't blame on Microsoft or Wal-Mart.

Hmmmm... As an employee of WAL-FART, I wonder what he did to progress so far???

He obviously had a knack for the business and excelled at making his voice heard.

I have a proposition - why don't you petition this site's owner to replace that childish name - Microsuck - with something that gives Microsoft the respect it deserves. How about

As for M$, see your pharmacist. They ought to have something that'll cure your headache, heartburn, head up the butt, or whatever it is that ails you.

A little upset? Stop taking yourself so serious. This is only an internet forum. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, lol.


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #18 on: 5 August 2005, 23:51 »
Quote from: xyle_one
The name of this site is terrible

So why do you post here?

I hope for the day when it is changed back to fuckmicrosoft.

You think fuckmicrosoft is more respctable than microsuck. Interesting.
Nothing pushed me over the edge. I am just annoyed by you.

So why do you read my posts?

I have been reading your posts and you think far too highly of yourself, you just aren't that important.

Who IS that important - besides the almighty Xylon, of course?

You are a new member with an egenda to push.

Well, yeah, my agenda includes taking Microsft down a notch or two, and I thought a website named MicroSUCKS might attract people of a similar bent. If you represent the norm, then the site should be renamed to

You haven't contributed shit except some terrible site and some conspiracy nutjob bullshit.

So where are your websites? And speaking of conspiracies, visit and type in "The Olchefske Files." See if you can count the conspiracies in that article (which mentions me, by the way). And when you've matured a little bit, maybe I can tell you about some more conspiracies - including the article itself.

You should learn some fucking respect.

And you should stay just the way you are - rude disrespectful and arrogant, making no real contribution to any cause.

Laffo. Organized crime? What's the crime?

It depends on how you define "crime." If you're talking about criminal convictions by judge and jury, Bill Gates may only be guilty of a handful of crimes. If you use the broader defintion, the answer's all over the map.

Remember, Adolph Hitler was never convicted of any crimes, either.
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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #19 on: 6 August 2005, 00:22 »
Quote from: DavidB
So why do you read my posts?

Good point. I forgot about the ignore feature :)


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #20 on: 6 August 2005, 00:24 »
Nice work fucking up a potentially interesting discussion, guys.

The reason I think this is signifigant is based on where both companies stand in the marketplace.  Wal-mart, as we all know, is the lowest common denominator store.  They sell cheap shit and they are proud to sell cheap shit - it's their niche market, and nobody else comes close.  Microsoft, on the other hand, believes itself to be elite.  Windows is thought of as the OS of choice, and Word and Excel are the cornerstones of modern business.  Microsoft believes it has the best product on the market, and charges accordingly for it.

But now that Microsoft is going to be using Wal-mart sales strategies, the whole market for computers and software might change.  In my opinion, probably not for the better, because I already consider Windows the Wal-mart of operating systems - designed for everyone, and annoying because of it.  Wal-mart has already become an outlet for cheap shitty hardware.  Perhaps Microsoft is going to become an outlet for cheap shitty software?  It will be interesting to see where this goes.


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #21 on: 6 August 2005, 00:32 »
Quote from: worker201
Perhaps Microsoft is going to become an outlet for cheap shitty software?

As opposed to expensive shitty software? If M$ (sorry, Xylon) is going to charge us less for the same old shit, then I guess I can't complain. However, that's hard to believe. I think Bill Gates is working on a grander strategy. The only thing we can be certain of is that no one will benefit from it except Bill Gates.
Bill Gates & George W. Bush = America's Greatest Traitors (Freedomware and Jail4Bush)


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #22 on: 6 August 2005, 00:38 »
Quote from: worker201
Nice work fucking up a potentially interesting discussion, guys.

Sorry worker201 :(

Quote from: DavidB
As opposed to expensive shitty software? If M$ (sorry, Xylon) is going to charge us less for the same old shit, then I guess I can't complain. However, that's hard to believe. I think Bill Gates is working on a grander strategy. The only thing we can be certain of is that no one will benefit from it except Bill Gates.

Quality post! A++ would read again!!!

« Last Edit: 6 August 2005, 00:45 by xyle_one »


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #23 on: 6 August 2005, 00:45 »
Edit. double post.


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #24 on: 6 August 2005, 02:34 »
2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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Re: Microshaft + Wal-Fart
« Reply #25 on: 7 August 2005, 11:41 »
Wal-mart has already become an outlet for cheap shitty hardware.

Not to mention Linspire boxen...

And guys! Cut out the arguing! You both acted like ten year olds! (And I just joined the club :) )