Miscellaneous > Applications

Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?

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Setting any advertisment host to is a great idea, though I'm wary of doing anything like that, BitchX just caused a Major Fuckup on my mac, though OSX reinstalls quick.

nope no crashes
except for some Java-Irc clients
that hurts like a bitch!
it crashes and then i have to
use the old handy
ctrl+ alt+del   [CAD]


--- Quote from: cymon ---Setting any advertisment host to is a great idea, though I'm wary of doing anything like that, BitchX just caused a Major Fuckup on my mac, though OSX reinstalls quick.
--- End quote ---

BitchX sucks! Get XChat Aqua or irssi.


--- Quote from: anphanax ---If you haven't, set "ds.serving-sys.com" to They seem to be the biggest offender in JavaScript firefox crashes for me (for those of you who get them).

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the tip.  I'm going to try to block that domain with adblock instead of /etc/hosts.


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