Miscellaneous > Applications
Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
I've had thihs problem too. It was affecting Firefox 1.05 and 1.06 - and possibly earlier versions on FreeBSD. The problem did not affect me in Windows. I am at 1.07 on FreeBSD now,It's REALLY annoying when you have seven tabs open and firefox just disappears into thin air.
I'm thinking it could have been a profile issue. At work I was having strange issues with firefox on my Windows machine and deleting my profile and the firefox install directory and reinstalling solved the problem.
I had javascript problems in Firefox all the time. I fixed them by using Opera. :)
Get the NoScript extension.
some bum with red shoes:
oh sorry had to but try the web devolper extention for firefox, it has many options including disable java and java script at a simple click of a mouse get it here https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?application=firefox&category=Developer%20Tools&numpg=10&id=60
Narf Man:
I like the picture!
(I'm partial to retro-ish ads).
Where'd you find it, some bum?
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