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Longhorn build 4051 debuts... and PDC 2003

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Don't be stupid. I'm sure you'll be able to disable the beastly looking thing on the right side of the screen. In fact, I bet you'll be able to move it all over the place, and perhaps un-dock it as it shows in this image: Un-dockable clock (while magnified)

Also, it seems for those that are hard of vision, you'll be able to magnify the clock as well, meaning i'm sure you'll be able to make it smaller. Or better yet, kill the thing all together.

As far as "hogging memory" goes, running a clock -hardly- takes any memory.

Don't get me wrong, it will have its downsides, but you can at least come up with a few useful ones that microsoft's return customers will actually view as a downside.


- Submitted On: October 28, 2003
Paul, sorry man, but nobody cares sqaut about Longhorn. By the time that bloated, ugly, slow POS comes around, Macs will be years ahead (as they already are), and Linux will be taking over the desktop. Maybe you should start learning some Linux instead of listening to idiots brag about their new products that are only eye-candy with features stolen from other OSes.

Editor's note: Sorry, but the 7000 people rushing the stage to see it two years early suggests otherwise. --Paul
--- End quote ---

Oh, sure. THAT editor's note makes a lot of sense. Sounds to me that this moron is impressed with the fact Micropiss will be releasing its own version of OS-X roughly 4 YEARS AFTER Apple did. And 7,000  people "rushing the stage"? Out of how many users, a couple hundred million? Speaking in percentages, I would say that equates to exactly no interest at all. What a dork.

When was the last big linux debut, and how many people showed up then?

Well I must say, that's pretty damn ugly.  I hope Linux is far enough along in 2005-6, 'cause I'm not buying this shit.

And, it's easily a OSX ripoff.  And somehow, OSX is far prettier. :gawking:

Uh. I can't recall any weak attempts to buy peoples interest in a Linux distro by having a software release party (or wherever 7000 people rushed the stage  :rolleyes:  ). Maybe because they are more concerned with the software than with sales, who knows. I have not read a single thing about longhorn that interests me. All the attention seems to be on how it looks, which, as we all know, is what defines what an os is. I'd be more interested to see how they are going to fuck up my data with their new winFS. If all info is accesible from all software, what is going to stop several millions of dollars worth of CAD files from being corrupted when IE crashes? Based on the info i have seen and read, WinFS has the potential to be a disaster bigger than embedding a browser into the os. Back to looks, someone at MS forgot their color theory courses. Too much blue is a bad thing. A little blue is good. A clean, uncluttered interface is good. The monstrosity i see looking at longhorn gives me a headache  :(

ANd its not going to be out for almost 2 years? Fuck. OSX and Linux will be lightyears ahead.


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