All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Longhorn build 4051 debuts... and PDC 2003
I've got dipshit classmates showing off that they downloaded longhorn off some porn warez site.
Pffft I dissed him and he just said I was jealous.
i got a couple fags like those.....
sitting around downloaidng msn bots.... fucking idiots call themselves hackers
i laugh my asses off when they are having 'hacker' discussions. fuck i hated those script kiddies back in the windows days. but not anymore!
anyways, back to topic: longhorn's gonna suck! i wouldn't waste my bandwidth downloading it or my cd copying it from someone else.
EDIT: i was just informed that the star means somethng a lot worse(that depends on how u look @ it though). the five pointed star is used by satanists!! billy boy likes satan!!!
but then again, that might not come as too big a surprise to many ppl!
[ October 28, 2003: Message edited by: Commander ]
The Anti-Microsoft:
quote:Originally posted by xeen:
My biggest concern is that sidepar piece of shit. What the fuck is its point except to hog memory and desktop space? And who the fuck wants that ugly looking analog clock?
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Probably can't disable it, either.
[ October 28, 2003: Message edited by: The Anti-Microsoft ]
Yes, I was about to say the same thing. On all the Longhorn shots the big ass clock has been the white elephant everyone has faild to mention.
What's the deal with the goddam clock? Why did M$ think having a lifesized analogue wallclock was a good choice for an OS?
This comes from's comments section in the PDC article:
- Submitted On: October 28, 2003
Paul, sorry man, but nobody cares sqaut about Longhorn. By the time that bloated, ugly, slow POS comes around, Macs will be years ahead (as they already are), and Linux will be taking over the desktop. Maybe you should start learning some Linux instead of listening to idiots brag about their new products that are only eye-candy with features stolen from other OSes.
Editor's note: Sorry, but the 7000 people rushing the stage to see it two years early suggests otherwise. --Paul
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