Author Topic: Windows Vista will layer OpenGL over D3D  (Read 2494 times)


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Re: Windows vista will layer OpenGL over D3D
« Reply #15 on: 11 August 2005, 09:57 »
Quote from: toadlife
IHow would you like it if I said..."By using linux you are at Linus Torvaldus' mercy? Sounds kidn silly doesn't it? I am not at anyones mercy...there are *plenty* of options in the computing world, and my life would go on just fine if Microsoft suddenly disappeared.

You're not quite catching my meaning here.  IF you use Windows AND Microsoft cripples Windows AND you continue to need Windows, THEN you are stuck with broken Windows.  That's it.  Sure there are plenty of options in the computer world, but if one allows oneself to get painted into a corner by one company, then one's options start to fade.  GNU/Linux (and other members of the extended family, including BSD, don't have this problem, because their users have a direct say into what goes into the OS and how it functions.  Granted, if Xorg did something goofy like this, not too many people would complain or fix it.  But the option to do so makes all the difference.


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Re: Windows vista will layer OpenGL over D3D
« Reply #16 on: 11 August 2005, 18:57 »
And we all know how well complaining to the developers worked for XFree86.

It took a massive collective bitch, to fork it into Xorg, and then fixed the persistent bugs that the XFree86 devs were complacent with.  All this, from a license change.
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