All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Pranks!
--- Quote from: Refalm ---Awesome :)
I loved how City 17 looked, and Ravenholm was beautiful (except for those zombies and that prick with the shotgun).
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Father Grigori was awesome! ;)
--- Quote from: Jenda ---I know what that means! That's Czech (and a few other Slavic lingos) for "pie" or "cookie" (more like sth inbetween - kol
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--- Quote from: Orethrius ---Cookies AND PIE? In ONE THING? Can I live with you? PLEASE?
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Actually it's something inbetween. It looks typically like this:
What does Czech mean?
As in Czech Republic. Or is this my sarcasm sensor failing?
There are quite a few towns of Czech immigrants in the United States, the first wave would be the second half of the nineteenth century, when they all tried to escape oppression from the Austrians (we were a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) and the second from 1948 to 1989, because of Russian Communism, mainly 1968, the year of the Russian invasion.
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