Author Topic: Truely Perplexing Error  (Read 1251 times)


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Truely Perplexing Error
« on: 11 August 2005, 22:17 »
Hello All at the Microsuck forum!
I have been dabbling with Linux/Windows duel boots for about a year now. Different bugs here and there, which admitily may be of the pebkac variety, have hindered my complete Linux conversion for a while. A new one has popped up which I feel I simply cannot squish on my own.

I moved recently, from one house to another as well as from cable to DSL. I have to tell you, I am apreciating the simplicity of cable which I used to take for granted.

Getting down to business: I have installed Fedora Core 4 SElinux and my internet does not work, kinda. I can only connect to:;; (though no images search); and of course, here. Two or three times, through no fiddling around, my internet connection has been alright and been able to connect to, and I assume anywhere. This state of normalcy leaves unexpectedly however. I must also point out, that when I connect to redhat or google, I connect instantly, just as fast as my windows box sitting next to me, just as if there is nothing is wrong. However, connecting here it hangs for a while in the "looking up" phase.

Another things to point out is that I can run the ping command on any server I wish. A third thing to point out is I cannot connect to MIRC or Gaim. Yet another point, I can only connect to google and here when logged into root.

My Setup: I have just freshly reinstalled Fedora Core 4 i386, default desktop packages installation. I have an Nvidia nforce ethernet card, Qwest actiontec modem, and am running a simple run-of-the-mill home network on a Linksys router.

I hope there is some stupidly simple explination for my frustrations.


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Re: Truely Perplexing Error
« Reply #1 on: 11 August 2005, 23:31 »
It doesn't sound like a simple run of the mill home network.

How do things work when you eliminate the router from the equation?  Signal should go from phone jack to modem to ethernet card.  See if that works.


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Re: Truely Perplexing Error
« Reply #2 on: 16 August 2005, 19:37 »
Ah you nailed it. I look at my network and it seems my modem thinks it's my router as well as my actual lynksys router. Well this should be fixable.

Sorry about my slow reply, and thank you for your quick one.


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Re: Truely Perplexing Error
« Reply #3 on: 16 August 2005, 22:59 »
Now try phonejack to modem to router to ethernet card - that should work also, with very little tweakage.  Just make sure the modem is the first link in the chain.