Hi Guys, can't update XP anymore and was anyway tired of MS, can you suggest an OS to test on a P3 550mgz with 256 K ram and used for MP3, AVI, MPEG and internet? thx!!
I've never seen such a perfect match for BeOS
BeOS is ment to play the media files you say (with Cl-amp, and vlc) your P3 will fair well for these activities, as BeOS is 'optimised' for older computers such as yours, with media and internet use in mind. I strongly recommend giving it a permanant home, as you will eventually just like it so much.
check out this very usefull page you will approve of, at the bottom you will find appropriate links to download it from.
http://beq2.beworld.info/aboutBeOS.htmlAlso see the forums about 'Zeta' check that out also.
About ubuntu, I am on it right now (the live CD) it is actually true the people who make it are absolutely stupid (as well with the people in #ubuntu) it's shit for media (the media player can't play certain types of Mmp3's for instance, kind of like the first windows media player or something) so don't even use it unless you need an OS for emergency purposes.
If you go to try linux, the only things you should try are 'fedora' and 'suse' (pronounced su-zaah) because they are standardised and easy to install programs with, most other ones are crap and not worth trying (like ubuntu) . I actually came up with a nick name for ubuntu
ubut2 !