Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Getting BeOS Max...

(1/5) > >>

Is impossible. I've been trying all day, and none of the DL sites work for it. BeBits still has all the versions linked, but none of them are there. I'd like to have BeOS, but I don't really feel like paying upwards of $100 for Zeta right now...

I have it. If you wish, I'll make an ISO and send it to you.

That would be awesome, my friend. Right now, I'm sitting here looking at BeOS 5 PE not booting at all... cursed... stuff... lol

Lead Head:
i just made a BeOS 5 3.1MAX PE beta disk, you need to burn the cue file, BTW it was god slow on my athlon 64 and it would only run in safe mode, Tell me the specs of your machine., If it actually boots from the CD does it kind of reboot when the BeOS splash apears?

Well, it turns out my CD is too scratched to work. :(

I would need a replacement, too.


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