Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Getting BeOS Max...

<< < (4/5) > >>

EDIT: I found out that these damnable things cannot be burned with Disk Utility.

Further update: This nice little proggy


Can do it. It's donationware, and if this works, I might send 'em some doh. Give it a shot!

Thank you.

I'm still living on dialup at home. I tried Saturday to get it from someone with dsl and all the links went nowhere. If it's back up I'll try again Monday. The faq says Nero will handle the cue sheet. I can't use EZ CD Creator on my peecee because I ran IERadicator.

Boom. Got it! Working like a dream. I just gotta get networking going now! :)

*** Virtual machine kernel stack fault (hardware reset) ***
The virtual machine just suffered a stack fault in kernel mode. On a real computer, this would amount to a reset of the processor. It can be caused by an incorrect configuration of the virtual machine, a bug in the operating system, or a problem in the VMware Workstation software. Press OK to reboot virtual machine or Cancel to shut it down.

BeOS is fucking lovely yeah?

passive wind:
BeOS is pretty neat and tidy.


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