All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Easy Removal of Windows Super Hidden Temp Files

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Maybe someone else has brought this to the table, but I have found a foolproof way of easily accessing and removing these files.
On Windows XP I simply right-clicked on my desktop and pointed to "New" and then "Shortcut." I then entered the full path to the elusive "content.ie5" folder (on my particular system: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5) Now anytime I double click this new shortcut icon, the previously hidden and virtually inaccessible folder pops right up. It's a simple matter to then manually Ctrl+A and delete everything in sight. Then simply back up a level and do the same to all the files in "Temporary Internet Files" and another level to the "Temp" directory.
Of course, I also have a batch file that runs on startup to do the same thing as many of you probably do, but I thought I'd post this for those who might want to go in and manually do it from time to time.
Please post to this thread your experience using this technique.
Thanks for reading!

Lead Head:
thats a good idea, and welcome to the forums

good idea, but wouldnt it be better and easier way just to stop using IE, or wiping out windows and installing something else? (warning this could be off-topic)


That folder is perfectly accessible from explorer on my machine. The subfolders are all apparently empty. Are the "Super Hidden Temp Files" in theses subfolders or should they be visible?

What would happen if you made it read only?


--- Quote from: Pathos ---What would happen if you made it read only?
--- End quote ---

IE throws shitfits trying to save cookies in a locked folder.  Kinda funny, but stupid all at once.


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