there is no fixing the atrocity that is windowsXP. i use XP pro at work (architects firm, animator & graphics) and can tell you from horrifying personal experience that is beyond "salvagable". lets start with its piss-poor performance with autocad & 3DStudio VIZ. 2000 could run those decent, but xp freaks out (i guess i should upgrade, right :rolleyes: ). When i move a window in viz, my music skips. now, why would that happen? and why should i have to set everything aside when i want to burn a cd so as not to ruin XPs concentration? So much for "multi-tasking". this friday, i am wiping most of the machines here and putting 2000 back on (plus a linux box for me to play with

). XP cant even handle ISOs out of the box. At least in Jaguar i can mount or burn ISOs through finder. I used to keep a crash log here at work. I wish i could find it.... I think i managed 15 blue-screens & over 20 freezes in an 8 hour period. 2000 is def better than xp, but 2000 still does not stand next to "REAL" operating systems.
hehe, i kinda liked the way the article started-
Megahertz, Gigahertz, Terahertz, the speed of modern machines is unbelievably vast. Streamlined and efficient, these micro-worlds perform more operations in a single nanosecond, then most humans do in the first twenty-five years of their life. These digital athletes are fit, fast, and hungry for a challenge. And what do we do to these purebred machines? We install a Microsoft operating system. (Or we say F it and install something that won