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Virus targets

(1/12) > >>

Some opinions  and  facts:

According to  Bloomberg a  virus has  shutdown parts of  SBC, Cnn, ABC and  Time  Warner.  CNN as you know, does not allow  to listen to the streams outside of  wmp10. Abc too and most of Time Warner. But that  is  unrelated  this  targets a  flaw in windows outside of  WMP10 itself. Just wanted to mention  how happy  I am this happened. (In a  sense  that   they do  not   allow anything else). They are  too reliant on Microsoft  and   paid  a  price. "Time loss / man hours"  They  may reconsider     "keeping  closed". With what users  could listen to streams with.

wet  Appetite:

Microsoft Virus Attacks SBC Communications, CNN, ABC Computers

Aug. 17 (Bloomberg) -- A computer virus targeting Microsoft Corp.'s Windows software shut down machines at Time Warner Inc.'s Cable News Network and SBC Communications Inc., and may spread globally, according to antivirus software companies.  

Full story:

That will show CNN to use their own product, Netscape, instead of Internet Explorer (which is of a rival company).

Just last night at 11 CNN was having a story about this new virus.

My dad was like 'come see this thing'
I said, oh nothing to worry about; we're not using Microsoft.


--- Quote ---Just wanted to mention how happy I am this happened.
--- End quote ---

What reason is there to be actually *happy* about this?

I was under the impression that CNN used Macs, anyway.  Whenever they do the blog reports, they show Safari.

I always see them using IE


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