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iTunes on Windows good?

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deencode change kps then reencode

the DRM is ONLY for the purchased songs from iTMS, NOT your own music.

what makes iTMS unique is that you OWN the songs you buy, not Apple.

you can only burn the same playlist of purchased music 10 times (and you can re-rip it flawlessly with no DRM after that)

and it can go to 3 different computers on the same subnet. but can be re-authorized to a different pc and the DRM resets.

like I said, you OWN iTMS music, not apple, you can do what you want with it once you buy it. nothing is stopping you from cracking you own music.

DRM if used wrong is bad, but it has a use and used correctly can be good for both parties.


quote:like I said, you OWN iTMS music, not apple
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quote:you can only burn the same playlist of purchased music 10 times
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Which of these statements is true? Can apple restrict what you do with your legally downloaded music, or are you free to do what you want with it?

quote:DRM if used wrong is bad, but it has a use and used correctly can be good for both parties.
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DRM is by definition an unacceptable restriction of users' rights. How can it possibly be good for the consumer? Why line the pockets of Apple/record company executives when you can just download for nothing? Then you can send the artist some money if you wish.

quote:"With iTunes I don't feel guilty when I download music - Apple and the record labels handle the screw job for me"
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quote:Originally posted by Xp Convert:
deencode change kps then reencode
--- End quote ---

Umm..rather simple.
1. Download MP3 from kazaa (at least 192 kbps in quality)
2. Open it in Cool Edit Pro or any other audio editor.
3. Edit it how you want.
4. Apply an filters you may want.
5. Then encode to MP3 again using the settings you want.

Yes, you loose some quality from the re-encoding but I never hear the difference because of the original quality being kinda high and because I never re-encode to anything below 192 or 256 kbps.


quote: Can apple restrict what you do with your legally downloaded music, or are you free to do what you want with it?
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No, this has nothing to do with DRM. iTunes allows an unlimited number of copies, but the playlist has to be changed after each 10 burns (just switcing a few songs around is enough).

quote: DRM is by definition an unacceptable restriction of users' rights.
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By what definition?

quote: Why line the pockets of Apple/record company executives when you can just download for nothing?
--- End quote ---

Not all the artistes on iTunes are under the behest of record companies. And what does this have to do with DRM being inherently good or bad?

[ February 20, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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