Originally posted by VoidMain:
I have to respectfully disagree. I am pretty hard headed but I have finally realized that you can never underestimate M$. It is my belief that if we "wait and see what happens" it will be too late. We have to jump on it now, be relentless, and pound their asses back into the hole in the ground from which they came. Educating the people is what is needed.
Au contraire, i don't think you are disagreeing with me because i agree with everything you just said.
Actually while the observer in me will be waiting to see what happens, the opinionated bastard in me will be trying to slyly convert the world.
As you have said before though, they give with one hand and shoot themselves in the foot with the other. (i'm paraphrasing).
It may take more than a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head to stop Bob, but will it take more than that to stop Microsoft? or will they do our work for us?