All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

MS makes unresonable demands to Lindows

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quote:Originally posted by Sex_Pistols_Fan_Linux_RuleZ_Windows:
Bill Gates is a greedy arsehole who deserves to be locked away in a cell far away from society.
[ March 30, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]
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Yeah, he needs to go to Federal POUND ME IN THE ASS  prison! Send Ballmer too, he'd probably like it.


quote:Originally posted by ThePreacher:
If I was Lindows, I would change my name to
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Even better than Lindows! hahaha  :rolleyes:

to my knowledge they just called themselves ---dows for those three countries and started a petition. sadly, i can't find the link to "---dows" anymore. if anybody can, please tell me.


But it's gone now. Lindows is forbidden to sell their products in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
Lindows is forbidden to sell their products in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
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  :eek:    :eek:    :eek:    :rolleyes:    :confused:  

Guess that makes Billy Gates dictator of the world.   :(


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