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Security experts confirm IE as hopelessly bug ridden and insecure

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Now, if lazy-g would send a very nice and short note to the webmaster of the site (I would if I used it but since I don't) stating he should add a width tag to his table so it will work properly in all browsers he might be very appreciative and fix it quickly.


quote:BTW, I just installed MS Intellipoint 4.1 software and guess what? My back and forward buttons finally work in Mozilla(the middle mouse button still doesn't work though). Isn't funny how MS are nice enough to fix problems with an open source browser(something that the Open Source programmers can't seem to do properly).
--- End quote ---

You don't half post some utter shite here. I mean I can accept you're not very technical - there's nothing wrong in that - but you really shouldn't comment on things you don't understand.

This is the sort of bizarre reverse logic doublespeak you (and microsoft) use all the time. It's like saying that if a particular car model crashes and burns every time too many people sit in it, then when the manufacturer fixes the problem the car owners should be grateful to the "nice" car company for fixing a problem that was really the lazy customers' fault in the first place, and they should have been doing something about it themselves by losing weight.

And do you seriously think MS would intentionally make mozilla work any better?

Hi, I will notify the webmasters. Im sure they didn't make their sites like this intentionally, after all they do tend to be pretty reasonable people.

Ok this is too fucked up. SFLAH works perfectly for me, the forums are fine now and do not reproduce this wierd space replacement error.

Hero6 forums no longer have that space problem either. Could this have been solved simply by me suddenly deciding to use the latest nightly build, #2002102408?

Although that image thing still persists. I asked about it there.

More sillyness. Yahoo no longer puts ? chracters instead of spaces in searches. Although the ? chracters seemed to have no effect on the searches. Either there was trouble with 1.2b, or there was just some quirk that was solved by having Mozilla re-installed.(which happens when you install the latest build)

zombie, i have a mate who runs an online forum with nearly 100 members. it's a music site, so it's not populated with anti-microsoft people or anything.

interestingly his stats show roughly 79% of browser hits have been from IE.
maybe 89% of operating systems have been windows, but only 79% of browsers (roughly)have been IE, which as a representative sample makes a big difference.

where did you pull that 89% out from? hmm let me see... was it... YOUR ARSE?  :D   :D   :D

[ October 25, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]


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