Author Topic: Dynebolic 1.4.1 Rasta Linux  (Read 6715 times)


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Dynebolic 1.4.1 Rasta Linux
« on: 24 August 2005, 03:41 »
:tux: The live cd distro works well, in Virtual PC 6.1 on an eMac, no less. This is the first live pc Linux I've been able to use in VPC. Knoppix, Ubuntu and FreeBeOS all failed in some way. Most couldn't handle the video card emulation at run time. All booted okay.VPC 6.1 was the first version to get past 256 colors. I'm emulating 16 bit svga 1024x768! It's a little slow on graphics, but so is virtual Win98. I'm typing this from Mozilla 1.7.5 that comes with Dynebolic.

It took me a couple of tries to get logging on to secure web sites correctly. The default settings for Mozilla block cookies needed to log on to Yahoo, and I got a message that I needed to install Mozilla's Personal Security Manager to log on correctly. There is no download for that and no extension by that name, so I was stumped the first time. Logging on to Yahoo to check mail in Lynx Slick browser was even more difficult.

Lynx doesn't support Java, and the Java script support is spotty. Page links only worked correctly if I told it to ask permission before running Java scripts. Yahoo will send Lynx into an endless loop of opening windows to check your mail if you let it.

Dynebolic runs an X11 window, there is no KDE or Gnome desktop. That makes it ideal for older slower computers. It recognizes usb thumb drives, even in VPC, so on a real pc you could save your work without touching the internal hd. It doesn't see firewire, though, so the only cd drive I have in VPC is the one with the live disc in it. It also saw the vpc network card and dhcp'd on request with VPC's permission to see the web through a Macintosh dialup modem controlled by OS X.

To get out on the web, I dial out from Panther and launch Mozilla from Dyne.

You have root in the live version, by default. BUT I can't seem to get software to install. The errors suggest that VPC is locking the size of some folders so even if I have root, I can't touch some things. I originally gave Dyne 512MB of ram. The eMac has 1 gig. Dyne is only using 11% now typing this message on the web, so 100MB would probably be plenty.