All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Some excepts from the Windows 2000 source code.

<< < (3/4) > >>

the point is ms cant code anything so they just take code and make it crappy :P

btw where did u get the code?

i cant find a dl :nothappy:

I sent you a PM with all the details young padawan :)



--- Code: ---
/* WINSOCK.H--definitions to be used with the WINSOCK.DLL

 * Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.


 * This header file corresponds to version 1.1 of the Windows Sockets specification.


 * This file includes parts which are Copyright (c) 1982-1986 Regents

 * of the University of California.  All rights reserved.  The

 * Berkeley Software License Agreement specifies the terms and

 * conditions for redistribution.



--- End code ---


--- Code: ---
/* Winsock2.h -- definitions to be used with the WinSock 2 DLL and

 *               WinSock 2 applications.


 * This header file corresponds to version 2.2.x of the WinSock API

 * specification.


 * This file includes parts which are Copyright (c) 1982-1986 Regents

 * of the University of California.  All rights reserved.  The

 * Berkeley Software License Agreement specifies the terms and

 * conditions for redistribution.


--- End code ---


--- Code: ---
/* WS2SPI.H -- definitions to be used with the WinSock service provider.


 * This header file corresponds to version 2.2.x of the WinSock SPI

 * specification.


 * This file includes parts which are Copyright (c) 1982-1986 Regents

 * of the University of California.  All rights reserved.  The

 * Berkeley Software License Agreement specifies the terms and

 * conditions for redistribution.


--- End code ---

i cant connect to the tracker


--- Quote from: solemnwarning ---i cant connect to the tracker
--- End quote ---

Give it time, ill seed some more. The tracker is very busy.

Yeah, Microsoft just uses everyone elses code, but Intel, SGI and Cambridge Uni prolly know about that code being used, unless Microsoft ran around looking for leaked code and hacking their allies (in Intel's case) corporate servers...

By the way Kintaro, don't ever mention that you've looked at that code to any open source project leaders. Most of them would no longer touch you with a ten foot pole. Happened to me when I downloaded it.

You probably shouldn't tell Microsoft either :)


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