Author Topic: IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures  (Read 1438 times)


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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« on: 20 February 2002, 01:43 »
I recently downloaded and used IE Eradicator.....then when I was next browsing the web(I am on AOL).....I noticed that most graphics/pictures in boxes are not showing.......all i get is a little red cross in the corner of the box where the graphic/picture should be......
I then Reinstalled IE5.5 to see if that would cure it....but it still happens.....HELP!!!!
How do I resolve this....???????.


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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« Reply #1 on: 20 February 2002, 01:55 »
I don't have much experience with AOL, since I have neither used it in the past nor will I ever in the future...

But, from what I gather AOL uses its own browser that, although it is not actually Internet Explorer, does rely heavily on IE's presence on the system.

If you really want to stick with AOL (and I can't think of very many reasons that you would...) then you're going to have to reinstall AOL's software, which will also reinstall IE.

By far your best bet is to go with another ISP that offers a proper service, and get rid of Internet Exploder and Lookout for good. I don't know where on the planet you are, but if you look around you can find excellent free or very low cost ISP's in most countries.

[EDIT: re-thinking that last comment, it's obviously not true that *most* countries have free or low cost access... however, most countries where AOL have a strong user base will have excellent low-cost alternatives that provide real Internet connectivity]

For bonus points, you could also move to a real operating system... but probably best to take MS eradication at a pace with which you feel comfortable to ensure eventual success.

[ February 19, 2002: Message edited by: IanC ]


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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« Reply #2 on: 20 February 2002, 16:32 »
absolutely! i do feel sorry for you having AOL,
i have successfully never had any aol stuff on my machine (except crapscape but that was just so i could check how web pages looked in it)
AOL got eradicated before i even thought about eradicating M$...
Even their crappy free AOL startup cds don't have anything good on them! usually with a free crappy cd you get some jpgs or a new copy of quicktime you can use, but with AOL, nothing of any use whatsoever.
Good luck upgrading from AOL to, well, anything else i suppose!
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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« Reply #3 on: 22 February 2002, 01:44 »
Hey,Callum........small world........I live near Stirling.....!!!!!!
Anyway......I take onboard all that you guys are saying about AOL.......yes its shit.....but I just havent got around to moving yet.......
I did know that AOL is kinda integrated with I.E5.5.....but didnt even think on that when i got rid of the damn thing........ soon as I shut down and started browsing the next day...a prompt appeared to get me to download a file in order to view web pages properly,which I did and it is now fine......i just guess I am gonna have to re-think my strategy here to get rid of this crap called I.E and in change ISP`s quicktime.....!!!!!!.
Thanx for your replies.....!!!!!


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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« Reply #4 on: 22 February 2002, 01:50 »
AOL is pretty crappy, but I rather have them around than MSN. Also AOL/TimeWarner is a pretty big name working against M$ in the anti-trust case. Right now, they are the good-guys (at least for a while).


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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« Reply #5 on: 22 February 2002, 15:42 »
not really topic related, but i am just pissed off with AOL because they bought Warner Brothers out, which includes DC Comics! So it's AOLFilms, AOLRecords and worst of all, AOL Comics from now on  :(
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IE Eradicator problem....lost graphics and pictures
« Reply #6 on: 23 February 2002, 03:47 »
Well if ur stuck with aol i suggest u get mozilla or another alternative downloaded and then start using nocharge if it is available in your area ... works fine for megreat for a free dial up service i use it when my cable modem goes down...  