i have windows xp installed at work on a daul athlon 1.2ghz, 1gig registered ddr, geforce 4, 2ibm scsi drives, blah blah blah, and it is not stable. it crashes alot. i think i have reinstalled the os on that system about 7 times since i got it (september 2001). on my windows machine at home, i finally took xp off because of the crashing, i put 2000 on it. it still crashes, just not as much.
my parents are always calling bitching that their computer crashed. my girlfreinds windows machine crashes alot. one of my freinds is a systems administrator, he swears his sytems do not crash, but i was over at his house and he tried to show me a video, insted we got to see a windows blue screen. all of the computers at work crash regularly. our "server" (running windows 2000) has actually been up for *gasp* 35 days now. that is our record.
now, my redhat 8 install has never crashed, nor did my mandrake 8 or 9 install, or suse 8. they ran fine on a machine that windows couldnt run on.
my mac has not crashed. sometimes i have a program error in linux or mac, but they have never crashed.