All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Are you a computer Moron?

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quote:Originally posted by doublefresh:
I worked as tech support for Dell 2 years ago. Our required solution to 80% of the problems was to re-install the operating system. This was not because the Operating sytem was flawed outrageously but because the callers were not bright enough to click on the right buttons to solve the problems.

It could take 15 minutes just to walk someone through clicking (start) -> (run) -> (msconfig)

People are stupid.
--- End quote ---

Last time I checked reinstalling the Windows operating system takes longer than 15 minutes. Maybe that's why they fired you. But here is a simple solution. Just create a web page that will reformat their hard drive when they click on a link:

woopsy do, you have Windows handling 100 computers and it doesnt crash. Wooohooooo look ma i can ride a bike.

  How come Windows Server 2000 crashes when registration starts at my college? It did today, and it did again the previous semester. Open registration=Heavy traffic on the Network.

  The graphic arts students have to wait till tomorow untill they can bring back to life the database for them.


quote:Originally posted by doublefresh:
I worked as tech support for Dell 2 years ago. Our required solution to 80% of the problems was to re-install the operating system.
--- End quote ---

if you don't see anything wrong with this, then i cannot in any way begin to answer your queries, no matter how civil and well worded.

Everyone has different expecineces using windows,and its not, this guys fault that its not crashing on him every so often, he must have a really good combination of hardware to pull that off. i see windows problems left and right here where i work and i know it blows, so lets not call him a windoid troll just yet, he needs to experience the horrors or multiple BSOD's before he can realize what crap pragramming they really have.

Thanks, and BTW I was not canned. I took the job to save cash for a vacation and quit a month later. My month long vacation to the west coast was beautiful. I drove my Jeep from Delaware to Portland Oregon and hung out with friends for a week then drove down to Tahoe California. I spent a week in Moab Utah mt. biking then another week in Michigan sailing. I began working for Dupont when I returned. I obviously don't use Dell as a reference and I certainly realize their support is terrible. I used them for quick cash and don't care because they are not much better than Microsoft when it comes to screwing people.

As far as the 15 minutes comment blow me :)

It would take some of them 30 minutes to type in a web address.


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