Author Topic: Are you a computer Moron?  (Read 4008 times)

Doctor V

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Are you a computer Moron?
« Reply #15 on: 18 November 2002, 07:23 »
I'll admit that Win2K crashes very little, but it does crash.  At work we had a small network of 3 servers all running streaming servers, all with win2000.  Yeah, they lasted a long time, I think they went flawlessly for over 6 months.  But finally one crashed, and that caused great pain and suffering for about a day, in which we had to come up with a good excuse.  Then we decided to set it up so it would auto reboot every 6 weeks to prevent another error.  All of our other servers are running Red Hat linux, mostly 7.3, and not one has ever crashed.  Windows may work, but Linux does work alot better dispite costing much less. The hardware necessary to run is costs less too.  Maybe when there is a crash in windows, its caused by an application.  But even errant applications cannot crash linux.  If you are happy with win, go for it, but in the long run you will be far better off if you switch.



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« Reply #16 on: 19 November 2002, 02:58 »
Until I'm 100% comfortable using Linux I'll be running both.

I know how to use a lot of MS programs and I have little experience with Linux.

Something that I know how to do with MS may take me all day to figure out with Linux.

Even all the commands are different rather than IPconfig /all it's ifconfig. It's going to take me a while to get used to but I'm learning slowly.

In the last few days I've got an Apache server running, Samba working, and a neat little program called webmin to ease the configuration of my servers. I still can't get wine to work and I've been fighting with Gnome to install some new themes.

With 6 computers at my desk I don't have to pick one or the other. I run them all :)


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« Reply #17 on: 19 November 2002, 03:01 »

I had Mandrake 8 and now 9 on this Computer and it crashes after 4 hours of inactivity. Am I to judge Linux for doing this to this machine? W2K works just fine for months at a time on the same box.

No, I'm not that shallow. I'm sure it's hardware not that Linux sucks rabbit testicles :)



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« Reply #18 on: 19 November 2002, 03:13 »
Originally posted by doublefresh:
Even all the commands are different rather than IPconfig /all it's ifconfig. It's going to take me a while to get used to but I'm learning slowly.

We'll be glad to help you out on your learning. It's interesting you bring up "ipconfig" vs "ifconfig". It's a typical example of how Microsoft did not conform to the standards of all of the other OSs thus making your life harder when you want to try something else. It's been "ifconfig" in almost all UNIX systems I have used for the last 12 years. It wasn't until *NT that "ipconfig" showed up in Windows. Why couldn't they just have used "ifconfig" like everyone else? But I think you will pick things up quickly. Webmin is a great utility. It's good to learn what is really happening at the OS level though so can just use it as an extra tool rather than a crutch.
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« Reply #19 on: 19 November 2002, 03:15 »
Hmm...I'll give you half credit. From someone I know:

The biggest downer has been XP. I have a laptop with XP now, as well as my desktop. And BOTH have crashed in the last week and needed to be totally reinstalled - and the programs etc all reinstalled as well .... so much for XP being an advance on previous OSes!!  Never had this with Win 2k!!

XP is definately worse than 2k. I will agree that certain things DO cause XP to crash more often, such as Graphics work (I would know, I do loads of it).

My uptime records and how the record stopped.

XP: 7 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes. BSOD Crash ironically after exiting SiSoft Sandra to check the uptime. Typically crashes in Maya and Bryce (especially while exiting or rendering).

Mac (7200): 44 days, 17 hours. The hard drive died, and I didn't have RAID at the time.

Linux (Slackware) 58 days. The UPS couldn't handle 3 hour power outage    .

Windows 2000: 10 days. DoS attack + Nimda, had to be shut down.

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man: Mac Commando ]


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« Reply #20 on: 19 November 2002, 08:21 »
I honestly don't understand why your windows operating systems crash so much. My Windows 2000 advanced server only gets shut down when I switch hardware or if there is a lightning storm. My XP box has been on for months and other than it having a SCSI drive that is going bad it has no problems. Ocasionally I give the box a kick to get the SCSI drive spinning again but the OS itself has been wonderful. About a year ago I was heavily into working on a web site. 14+ hours a day for three months straight. Photoshop, Cold Fusion, Dreamweaver, WSFTP, notepad, frontpage, outlook, winamp and a few bulk mailers all running day in and day out with no problems.

And you people claim that yours crash on you just from using e-mail and the internet???

I'd blame Dell, Gateway, Compaq, your ISP and AOL for 75% of your problems.

I've had to re-install NT4 to solve problems but never XP or W2K

Again my disclaimer. No operating system is perfect, I realize MS is not open source and full of spyware.

This has not stopped me from getting pop ups while using Linux on the web or nag screens while installing linux software.


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« Reply #21 on: 19 November 2002, 08:27 »
You need to install Squid proxy with Ad Zapper and point all of your clients to it. It blocks 99.9% of all advertizements and a lot of popups. Popups can be disabled completely in Mozilla and Konqueror (as well as all the other browsers on Linux that I am aware of).
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« Reply #22 on: 19 November 2002, 08:29 »
Originally posted by doublefresh:
I honestly don't understand why your windows operating systems crash so much. My Windows 2000 advanced server only gets shut down when I switch hardware or if there is a lightning storm. My XP box has been on for months and other than it having a SCSI drive that is going bad it has no problems. Ocasionally I give the box a kick to get the SCSI drive spinning again but the OS itself has been wonderful. About a year ago I was heavily into working on a web site. 14+ hours a day for three months straight. Photoshop, Cold Fusion, Dreamweaver, WSFTP, notepad, frontpage, outlook, winamp and a few bulk mailers all running day in and day out with no problems.

And you people claim that yours crash on you just from using e-mail and the internet???

I'd blame Dell, Gateway, Compaq, your ISP and AOL for 75% of your problems.

I've had to re-install NT4 to solve problems but never XP or W2K

Again my disclaimer. No operating system is perfect, I realize MS is not open source and full of spyware.

This has not stopped me from getting pop ups while using Linux on the web or nag screens while installing linux software.

 You can kill the pop ups. Do a little search and you will find out how. This might help you. Galeon. It might be in Mozilla too  i havent checked. Here is the nice part of it. You dont need to Dload another app to do it for you. Its built in the browser.
 Plus you do some adjustements and you are worry free from scripts running on your web browser.  IE has yet to fix problems like that 9even with security settings up high).

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]



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« Reply #23 on: 19 November 2002, 08:39 »
Originally posted by doublefresh:

I'd blame Dell, Gateway, Compaq, your ISP and AOL for 75% of your problems.

Virtually no one here uses Dell, Gateway, Compaq or AOL, so that argument is a bit moot.


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« Reply #24 on: 19 November 2002, 08:43 »
And *nobody* here uses AOL. I would use it before I used MSN though.  
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« Reply #25 on: 19 November 2002, 21:14 »
me wants to forget my AOL days 2-3 years ago   :(


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« Reply #26 on: 19 November 2002, 10:04 »
I think you have that backwards. Microsoft lacks software compatibility.
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« Reply #27 on: 19 November 2002, 10:17 »
I use AIM thrugh iChat  :D

It's good. No spyware, just chat. Nifty interface too.

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« Reply #28 on: 19 November 2002, 17:32 »
Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1:
I use AOL thru gAim, and MSN thru amsn ( )

why dont you just use MSN through Gaim??
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Are you a computer Moron?
« Reply #29 on: 20 November 2002, 02:23 »
I worked as tech support for Dell 2 years ago. Our required solution to 80% of the problems was to re-install the operating system. This was not because the Operating sytem was flawed outrageously but because the callers were not bright enough to click on the right buttons to solve the problems.

It could take 15 minutes just to walk someone through clicking (start) -> (run) -> (msconfig)

People are stupid.