Very interesting article,
however I don't see no Advertising at all (because I rule
Personally I see more possible than the demise of Microsoft, the article is about as fair and balanced as the weight of a block of lead compared to a tissue. I know that Microsoft obviously will not be on top forever, however there Server marketshare is growing, and they are wising up to Linux. However Microsoft vs OpenOffice and Microsoft vs Firefox/Mozilla/Opera are fronts I do not see that Microsoft can win due to open standards and increased stability. I say that, but I prefer Microsoft Office over OpenOffice for some things, and OpenOffice over Microsoft Office for some things, either way I don't care, both run on Linux.
Either way, this is certainly going to be a big crack in Microsoft Office marketshare. However it is certainly not to late for Microsoft to start supporting Open Standards, which they may be forced to. However with Open Standards Microsoft has been generally stuborn with things. Either way it could be a good sign of things to come.